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A type of schooner without a bowsprit.

Category:Sea Words

A hydropower plant that is operated at maximum allowable capacity for part of the day and is either shut down for the remainder of the time or operated at minimal capacity level.

Category:Energy Terms

Bell used for striking the half hours of each watch.

Category:Sea Words

The maximum repeated stress that can he endured by a metal without failure under definite conditions of corrosion and fatigue and for a specific number of stress cycles and a specified period of time.

Money owed by an individual or company to another individual or.

Category:Financial Terms

(ISA)A tax-favoured savings account introduced on 6th April 1999 which replaced PEPs and TESSAs. ISAs.

Category:Financial Terms

A light sail, such as a spinnaker, used to make the most of light following winds.

Category:Sea Words

Type of mobile crane found on a truck.

Category:Sea Words

Coasting Service between Singapore, Butam & Tandjungpinang.


The coldest months of the year; months where average daily temperatures fall below 65 degrees Fahrenheit creating demand for indoor space heating.

Category:Energy Terms

An instrument for the measurement of the rate of ice accretion on an unheated body.


A safe anchorage, protected from most storms; may be natural or man-made, with breakwaters and jetties; a place for docking and loading.

Category:Sea Words

This designates the resistance of a material to heat conduction. The greater the R-value the larger the number.

Category:Energy Terms

A topsail on the main mast.

Category:Sea Words

Usually refers to intracity hauling on drays or trucks.

Category:Sea Words

Sailors' term for an old ship that needed a lot of paint and repairs.

Category:Sea Words

A document, issued by a bank per instructions by a buyer of goods, authorizing the seller to draw a specified sum of money under specified terms, usually the receipt by the bank of certain documents within a given time. Some of the specific descriptions a ...

Category:Sea Words

(1) A metal whose potential is highly positive relative to the hydrogen electrode. (2) A metal with marked resistance to chemical reaction, particularly to oxidation and to evolution by inorganic acids. The term as often used is synonymous with precious m ...

In the US, a reputable stock with a record of consistently high dividend payments to.

Category:Financial Terms

A genoa jib. A large jib that overlaps the mast.

Category:Sea Words