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(IFA)A person qualified to give financial advice to clients on life assurance, pensions, funds, and.

Category:Financial Terms

An international goods classification system for describing cargo in international trade under a single commodity-coding scheme. Developed under the auspices of the Customs Cooperations Council (CCC), an international Customs organization in Brussels, thi ...

Category:Sea Words

A propeller drawn through the water that operates a meter on the boat registering the speed and distance sailed

Category:Sea Words

A person or company owing money to another person or company. A company is therefore owed money by.

Category:Financial Terms


China Corporation Register of Shipping (Taiwan Class Society)



Society of Maritime Arbitrators



Human Resources Department.


Not a linear function of the relevant variables.


Modification of a corrosion system so that corrosion damage is mitigated.

The planning and implementation of strategies designed to encourage consumers to improve energy efficiency, reduce energy costs, change the time of usage, or promote the use of different energy source.

Category:Sea Words

Goods floating on surface of sea after a wreck.

Category:Sea Words

The amount of heat produced from the complete combustion of a unit of fuel. The higher (or gross) heating value is that when all products of combustion are cooled to the pre-combustion temperature, water vapor formed during combustion is condensed, and ne ...

Category:Energy Terms

The total of all deviations of a transducer's output from a specified straight line in a constant environment.


American Shipbrokers Association

Category:Sea Words

A vessel used commercially for catching fish, whales, seals, walrus or other living resources of the sea.


The positioning and shape of the sails to the wind; To sheet in or out the sails for the most optimal performance and speed

Category:Sea Words

Wind with a speed between 48 and 55 knots (55 and 63 mph), Beaufort scale number 10.


See auxiliary electrode.

Pertaining to the current resulting from the coupling of dissimilar electrodes in an electrolyte

A raft used in case of emergencies, such as sinking or fire.

Category:Sea Words