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Pertaining to the current resulting from the coupling of dissimilar electrodes in an electrolyte

A genoa jib. A large jib that overlaps the mast.

Category:Sea Words

A policy which covers the insured against the loss of an asset. The purpose of the insurance is to.

Category:Financial Terms

Coasting Service between Singapore, Butam & Tandjungpinang.


American Shipbrokers Association

Category:Sea Words

Refers to the direction in which a line goes.

Category:Sea Words

(IRA)In the US, a tax-deferred retirement savings account which may be set up by people in employment. .

Category:Financial Terms

See auxiliary electrode.

A motor in which a three phase (or any multiphase) alternating current (i.e. the working current) is supplied to iron-cored coils (or windings) within the stator. As a result, a rotating magnetic field is set up, which induces a magnetizing current in the ...

Category:Energy Terms

Customs form permitting in bond cargo to be moved from one location to another under Customs control, within the same Customs district. Usually in motor carrier's possession while draying cargo.

Category:Sea Words

The top point of the line about which the earth rotates.

Category:Sea Words

An additional keel secured outside the main keel, usually as protection in the event of grounding.

Category:Sea Words

A type of schooner without a bowsprit.

Category:Sea Words

Interfacial reaction equivalent to a transfer of charge between electronic and ionic conductors. See also anodic reaction and cathodic reaction.

A loan which the lender can recall at any time. There is no specific maturity.

Category:Financial Terms

A lower-than-usual tariff rate assessed because a shipper offers a greater volume than specified in the tariff. The incentive rate is assessed for that portion exceeding the normal volume.

Category:Sea Words

A compartment having a watertight bulkhead at each end.

Category:Sea Words

A power supply which achieves its output regulation by means of one or more active power handling devices which are alternately placed in the "off" or "on" states. It is more efficient than linear supplies which vary the conduction of power devices to ach ...


The distance or length of flow of the air past a point during a given interval of time.


The planning and implementation of strategies designed to encourage consumers to improve energy efficiency, reduce energy costs, change the time of usage, or promote the use of different energy source.

Category:Sea Words