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Seaman's scornful name for any lead of a rope by which effort is lost or wasted.

Category:Sea Words

A pilot with a license stating that they are qualified to guide vessels in a particular area.

Category:Sea Words

A type of water heater that circulates water through a heat exchanger in a boiler. The heated water then flows into an insulated storage tank.

Category:Energy Terms

The change in the measured transducer output caused by changes in ambient temperature. Usually expressed a percentage of full scale.


A member of a commodity exchange, usually a commission house broker, through whom another broker or.

Category:Financial Terms

Interfacial reaction equivalent to a transfer of charge between electronic and ionic conductors. See also anodic reaction and cathodic reaction.

Surface discoloration of a metal caused by formation of a thin film of corrosion product.

(IRA)In the US, a tax-deferred retirement savings account which may be set up by people in employment. .

Category:Financial Terms

Polaris, the North Star, is visible in the northern hemisphere and indicates the direction of north. In the southern hemisphere the Southern Cross is used to find the direction of south.

Category:Sea Words


Taiwan (Flag)


Tendency of an environment to cause corrosion in a given corrosion system.

International Noxious Liquid Substances


A compulsory tax on employment and investment income.

Category:Financial Terms

The recognized abbreviation for the International Chamber of Commerce Terms of Sale. These terms were last amended, effective July 1, 1990.

Category:Sea Words

National Fluid Power Association.

Category:Sea Words

A loan which the lender can recall at any time. There is no specific maturity.

Category:Financial Terms

(ERISA)In the US, a federal law introduced for the protection of participants in private pension.

Category:Financial Terms

To leave port.

Category:Sea Words

An ornamental carved and painted figure on the stem of the vessel.

Category:Sea Words

Same as mercury barometer.
