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(1) Prospective course over the ground for boat to follow. (2) A strip of metal attached to a mast to take the slides affixed to the luff of a sail.

Category:Sea Words

A materials handling/storage facility used for completely unitized loads in containers and/or empty containers. Commonly referred to as CY.

Category:Sea Words

Is a positive displacement reciprocating compressor using a flexible membrane or diaphragm in place of a piston.

Category:Sea Words

A financial services sales rep, authorised to give financial advice on life assurance, pensions.

Category:Financial Terms

see Turnbuckle

Category:Sea Words

(see Feeder)

Category:Energy Terms

A hawser or line attached to an anchor.

Category:Sea Words

C The international temperature scale where water freezes at 0 (degrees) and boils at 100 (degrees). Also known as the centigrade scale.

Category:Sea Words

An official signature or seal affixed to certain documents by the consul of the country of destination.

Category:Sea Words

Sails that lie in the direction of the ship's length and whose luffs abut the masts or are attached to stays.

Category:Sea Words

A nautical astronomical observation of the sun, moon, or a star, by which means a vessel's position can be determined. The sight was taken with a sextant at a specific time, determined by a chronometer.

Category:Sea Words

Placing a container where required to be loaded or unloaded.

Category:Sea Words

A navigable route on a waterway, usually marked by buoys. Channels are deep enough for ships or boats to navigate without running aground.

Category:Sea Words

The water level used to record data on a chart. Usually the average low tide water level. It is the level below which depths on a chart are measured, and above which keights of a tide are expressed.

Category:Sea Words

Port of initial Customs entry of a vessel to any country. Also known as First Port of Call.

Category:Sea Words

A standard numeric code developed by the United Nations to classify commodities used in international trade, based on a hierarchy.

Category:Sea Words

In a wheel, such as a steering wheel, a spoke is a rod that extends from the hub outwards to the rim.

Category:Sea Words

A stationary element between stages of a multistage centrifugal compressor. It may include guide vanes for directing the flowing medium to the impeller of the succeeding stage. in conjunction with an adjacent diaphragm, it forms the diffuser surrounding t ...

Category:Sea Words

Liquidation of a company brought about by a court order, usually as the result of a petition by an.

Category:Financial Terms

Abbreviation for "Bales."

Category:Sea Words