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To reverse or change directions, to turn around

Category:Sea Words

A wire or rope contrivance placed around cargo and used to load or discharge it to/from a vessel.

Category:Sea Words

A business person who specialises in turning round companies in deep trouble.

Category:Financial Terms

Literally, the act of complying with rules and regulations.

Category:Financial Terms

In sailboat racing, the mark or buoy that signifies one side of the starting line, opposite of the race committee boat.

Category:Sea Words

A large body of fish.

Category:Sea Words

A futures transaction where an equal and opposite trade closes an open position. This leaves a.

Category:Financial Terms

The spiral grooves between the strands of rope after it has been laid up.

Category:Sea Words


The wind direction indicator on the masthead.

Category:Sea Words

The rod connecting the disc to the lever on a valve.

Category:Sea Words

The world's largest exchange for futures contracts, in terms of the number of contracts traded.

Category:Financial Terms

A type of journal bearing in centrifugal air compressors.

Category:Sea Words

The speed needed for a boat to begin planing.

Category:Sea Words

When the distance between the wave crests is less than normal.

Category:Sea Words

A spring line tied from the boat to chain rode, usually near the water's surface. It helps disperse tension forces. It also prevents damage to the boat by ground tackle and can help in the retrieval of the ground tackle in heavy weather.

Category:Sea Words

A vertical post extending above the deck for securing mooring lines

Category:Sea Words

The point (speed of sound) at which air flow through an orifice can not increase regardless of pressure drop.

Category:Sea Words

An investor who plots information about share prices and trading volumes on a chart, looking for.

Category:Financial Terms

An anchor which has become entangled with some object on the bottom, or, on weighing, has it's rode or chain wound around its stock or flukes.

Category:Sea Words

Is a positive displacement reciprocating compressor using a flexible membrane or diaphragm in place of a piston.

Category:Sea Words