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The maximum rope tension (in kilonewtons), measured at the drum commences to rotate in the direction of haul, the prime mover being set for maximum torque under automatic control and the rope being wound on the drum in a single layer.

Category:Technical Terms

The basic unit of measurement for lumber. One board foot is equal to a oneinch board, 12 inches wide and one foot long. Thus, a board ten feet long, 12 inches wide, and one inch thick contains ten board feet.

Category:Sea Words

Vertical frame components fitted at the corners of the container, integral to the corner fittings and connecting the roof and floor structures. Containers are lifted and secured in a stack using the castings at the ends.

Category:Sea Words

The gas resulting from the combustion of a fuel that is emitted to the flue.

Category:Energy Terms

Articles packed so that one rests partially or entirely within another, thereby reducing the cubic-foot displacement.

Category:Sea Words


Category:Sea Words

To measure the depth of the water with a lead. Also said of a whale when it dives to the bottom.

Category:Sea Words

An articulated five-platform railcar. Used where height and weight restrictions limit the use of stack cars. It holds five 40-foot containers or combinations of 40- and 20-foot containers.

Category:Sea Words

Fluid cooling agent.

Category:Sea Words

The apparent angle of the sun north or south of the eath's equatorial plane. The earth's rotation on its axis causes a daily change in the declination.

Category:Energy Terms

The lowest closing price for a specific security over the last 52.

Category:Financial Terms

Basic raw materials and foodstuffs such as metals, petroleum, coffee, grain.

Category:Financial Terms

See 'occupational pension.

Category:Financial Terms

Said of a vessel's anchor, or cable when the amount of cable out is not more than one-and-a-half times the depth of water.

Category:Sea Words

A included angle between a rope and vertical plane of winch drum or warping end axial line, through the point at which rope leaves the drum or warping end

Category:Technical Terms

Depth measured; the number indicating depth on a chart; the process of measuring fuel or water in ships' tanks. A ship is thought to be "in soundings" when she is inside the 100 fathom line, and "off soundings" when she is outside that line. ...

Category:Sea Words

The amount of solar radiation, both direct and diffuse, received at any location.

Category:Energy Terms

A document issued by an adviser/broker to a client outlining the basis of the relationship and.

Category:Financial Terms

To bleed is the operation of draining any water out of a buoy which may have seeped inside after long use at sea.

Category:Sea Words

To permanently join two pieces of rope. It will not pass through a block since it increases the diameter

Category:Sea Words