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Achieved when the air compressor is running at full RPM with a fully opened inlet and discharge, delivering the maximum volume at the rated pressure.

Category:Sea Words

Abbreviation for "Bales."

Category:Sea Words

Heavy-weather practice of pouring oil on the sea so as to form a film on the surface, thus preventing the seas from breaking. To smooth out some difficulty.

Category:Sea Words

Timber placed across the floor of the cargo hold to protect it from damage.

Category:Sea Words

A document, certified by a consular official, is required by some countries to describe a shipment. Used by Customs of the foreign country, to verify the value, quantity and nature of the cargo.

Category:Sea Words

A tax credit aimed at anyone with a child under 16, regardless of their marital status. The.

Category:Financial Terms

The risk inherent in holding shares, bonds or other securities whose fortunes are closely allied.

Category:Financial Terms

A built in mechanical device to recover a portion of the power consumed by a constant speed centrifugal compressor when operating at reduced capacity or reduced pressure rise, or both.

Category:Sea Words

A computerised payment system for clearing cheques in New.

Category:Financial Terms

The department in the London Stock Exchange which is responsible for the Regulatory News Service.

Category:Financial Terms

The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit weight of a substance by one degree.

Category:Sea Words

A board that can be raised and lowered by pivoting in a watertight box called the trunk or well to increase the draft and lateral area of the hull, preventing the boat from sliding sideways. Unlike a daggerboard, which lifts vertically, a centerboard pivo ...

Category:Sea Words


A small toggle used on a flag.

Category:Sea Words

Seller is responsible for goods and preparation of export documentation until actually placed aboard the vessel.

Category:Sea Words

In sailboat racing, a tactical maneuver to lock in a competitor by tacking on them in close proximity so they can not tack from under your boat and they start to lose speed due to your sails blocking their sails.

Category:Sea Words

A non-profit entity that represents the interests of a number of shippers. The main focus of shippers associations is to pool the cargo volumes of members to leverage the most favorable service contract rate levels.

Category:Sea Words

Formerly an abbreviation for the Commodity Exchange in New York and now a division of the New York.

Category:Financial Terms

An anchor is said to bite when the flukes dig themselves into the ground and hold firm without dragging.

Category:Sea Words

A device that indicates pressure differential above or below atmospheric pressure.

Category:Sea Words

A combination of one or more blocks and the associated tackle necessary to give a mechanical advantage. Useful for lifting heavy loads.

Category:Sea Words