A term used in conjunction with policies such as low cost endowment assurance and low start.

A computed characteristic of a particular river basin, expressed as the time difference between the time-center of mass of rainfall and the time-center of mass of resulting runoff.

The difference between amounts of precipitation and runoff for a given storm. It is that portion of the precipitation that remains in the basin as soil moisture, surface storage, ground water, etc.

The difference between the price of a futures contract and the spot or cash price. The item being.

Usually one hundredth of a percentage point used in quoting movements in interest rates of yields on.

A contract or other instrument for the purchase or sale of a group of shares or currencies, all.

Committee set up by the Bank of International Settlements and based in Basle. It drew up.

A process for carrying out a reaction in which the reactants are fed in discrete and successive charges.

A flexible roll or strip of insulating material in widths suited to standard spacings of building structural members (studs and joists). They are made from glass or rock wool fibers. Blankets are continuous rolls. Batts are pre-cut to four or eight foot l ...

Energy storage using electrochemical batteries. The three main applications for battery energy storage systems include spinning reserve at generating stations, load leveling at substations, and peak shaving on the customer side of the meter.