Negligence or fraud on the part of the Master or crew resulting in a loss to the owners.

Category:Sea Words

An act committed by the master or mariners of a vessel, for some unlawful or fraudulent purpose, contrary to their duty to the owners, whereby the latter sustain injury. It may include negligence, if so gross as to evidence fraud.

Category:Sea Words

A term of measure referring to 42 gallons of liquid at 60o F.

Category:Sea Words

42 U.S. gallons (306 pounds of oil, or 5.78 million Btu).

Category:Energy Terms

An exchange of products or services between individuals without the involvement of.

Category:Financial Terms

The amount of heat given off by a person at rest in a comfortable environment; approximately 50 Btu per hour (Btu/h).

Category:Energy Terms

A chemical substance that yields hydroxyl ions (OH ) when dissolved in water. Compare with acid.

(1) The metal present in the largest proportion in an alloy; brass, for example, is a copper-base alloy. (2) An active metal that readily oxidizes, or that dissolves to form ions. (3) The metal to be brazed, cut, soldered, or welded. (4) After welding, th ...

The main industrial non-ferrous metals excluding precious metals and minor metals. These are.

Category:Financial Terms

A metallic structure on which a compressor or other machine is mounted.

Category:Sea Words

Power generated by a utility unit that operates at a very high capacity factor.

Category:Energy Terms

A tariff term referring to ocean rate less accessorial charges, or simply the base tariff rate.

Category:Financial Terms

A mortgage in which the rate of interest paid by the borrower follows movements in the base.

Category:Financial Terms

A type of radiant heating system where the radiator is located along an exterior wall where the wall meets the floor.

Category:Energy Terms

The power output of a power plant that can be continuously produced.

Category:Energy Terms

The minimum demand experienced by a power plant.

Category:Energy Terms

A power plant that is normally operated to generate a base load, and that usually operates at a constant load; examples include coal fired and nuclear fueled power plants.

Category:Energy Terms

The conditioned or unconditioned space below the main living area or primary floor of a building.

Category:Energy Terms

See: 'State.

Category:Financial Terms

The main rate of income tax in the UK, which for the year 2002-2003 is 22%. The rate is applied.

Category:Financial Terms

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