See captive balloon, ceiling balloon, constant-level balloon, free balloon, hurricane beacon, kytoon, Moby Dick balloon, pilot balloon, radiosonde balloon, rockoon, skyhook balloon, transosonde.


The final payment on a loan which is significantly larger than those preceding.

Category:Financial Terms

The ceiling classification which is applied when the ceiling height is determined by timing the ascent and disappearance of a ceiling balloon or pilot balloon.


A cover which fits over a large inflated balloon to facilitate handling in high or gusty winds.


A small balloon, loaded with ballast and inflated so that it will explode at a predetermined altitude, which is attached to a larger balloon.


Light, bulky articles.

Category:Sea Words

A reaching headsail that has a big draft and is usually light-weight

Category:Sea Words

Same as balloon cover.


A self regulated London exchange serving world wide interests. It is the world's premier maritime.

Category:Financial Terms

A combination of banking and insurance business. A high street bank, for example, might sell both.

Category:Financial Terms

Pay between the lower earnings limit and upper earnings limit which is used to determine National.

Category:Financial Terms

In a semiconductor, the energy difference between the highest valence band and the lowest conduction band.

Category:Energy Terms

The amount of energy (in electron volts) required to free an outer shell electron from its orbit about the nucleus to a free state, and thus promote it from the valence to the conduction level.

Category:Energy Terms

A segregated structure consisting of alternating nearly parallel bands of different composition, typically aligned in the direction of primary hot working.

The number of cycles per second between the limits of a frequency band.


An institution which takes deposits from individuals, companies, organisations etc..

Category:Financial Terms

A boat is double banked, when two oars, one opposite the other, are pulled by men seated on the same thwart.

Category:Sea Words

The maximum credit an individual may secure from his/her.

Category:Financial Terms

A system operated by the clearing banks in which a paper slip/document instructs a bank branch to.

Category:Financial Terms

Guarantee issued by a bank to a carrier to be used in lieu of lost or misplaced original negotiable bill of lading.

Category:Sea Words

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