See captive balloon, ceiling balloon, constant-level balloon, free balloon, hurricane beacon, kytoon, Moby Dick balloon, pilot balloon, radiosonde balloon, rockoon, skyhook balloon, transosonde.

The final payment on a loan which is significantly larger than those preceding.

The ceiling classification which is applied when the ceiling height is determined by timing the ascent and disappearance of a ceiling balloon or pilot balloon.

A cover which fits over a large inflated balloon to facilitate handling in high or gusty winds.

A small balloon, loaded with ballast and inflated so that it will explode at a predetermined altitude, which is attached to a larger balloon.

A self regulated London exchange serving world wide interests. It is the world's premier maritime.

A combination of banking and insurance business. A high street bank, for example, might sell both.

Pay between the lower earnings limit and upper earnings limit which is used to determine National.

In a semiconductor, the energy difference between the highest valence band and the lowest conduction band.

The amount of energy (in electron volts) required to free an outer shell electron from its orbit about the nucleus to a free state, and thus promote it from the valence to the conduction level.

A segregated structure consisting of alternating nearly parallel bands of different composition, typically aligned in the direction of primary hot working.

An institution which takes deposits from individuals, companies, organisations etc..

A system operated by the clearing banks in which a paper slip/document instructs a bank branch to.

Guarantee issued by a bank to a carrier to be used in lieu of lost or misplaced original negotiable bill of lading.