Those frames of a ship's hull which are equal in area, one forward and one aft of the ship's center of gravity.

Category:Sea Words

(BOP)A country's financial position, with other countries of the world, which is made up of its.

Category:Financial Terms

In a solar energy system, refers to all components other than the collector. In terms of costs, it includes design costs, land, site preparation, system installation, support structures, power conditioning, operation and maintenance costs, indirect storag ...

Category:Energy Terms

(BOT)The difference between a country's exports and imports over a given period of time.

Category:Financial Terms

An outdoor temperature, usually 20 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit, at which a heatpump's output equals the heating demand. Below the balance point, supplementary heat is needed.

Category:Energy Terms

One of the main components of a company's Report and Accounts, the balance sheet provides a.

Category:Financial Terms

A reef in a spanker or fore-and-aft mainsail, which runs from the outer head-earing, diagonally, to the tack. It is the closest reef, and makes the sail triangular, or nearly so.

Category:Sea Words

A mutual fund which invests in a balance of common stock, bonds and preferred stock with an.

Category:Financial Terms

Sailing term used to indicate a sailing vessel underway with no headsails set.

Category:Sea Words

A metal ring on a boom, pole or mast where blocks or shackles may be attached.

Category:Sea Words

Cubic capacity of a vessels holds to carry packaged dry cargo such as bales/pallets.

Category:Sea Words

A means of reducing the volume of a material by compaction into a bale.

Category:Energy Terms

Heavy weights packed in the bottom of a boat or ship to give her stability.

Category:Sea Words

A device used to control the voltage in a fluorescent lamp.

Category:Energy Terms

Heavy weight,which gives a ship stability when the vessel is not carrying cargo.

Category:Sea Words

Heavy substances loaded by a vessel to improve stability, trimming, sea-keeping and to increase the immersion at the propeller. Sea water ballast is commonly' loaded in most vessels in ballast tanks, positioned in compartments right at the bottom and in s ...

Category:Sea Words

The measure of the efficiency of fluorescent lamp ballasts. It is the relative light output divided by the power input.

Category:Energy Terms

The ratio of light output of a fluorescent lamp operated on a ballast to the light output of a lamp operated on a standard or reference ballast.

Category:Energy Terms

Double bottoms for carrying water ballast and capable of being flooded or pumped out at will.

Category:Sea Words

Tanks carried in various parts of a ship for water ballast, for stability and to make the ship seaworthy.

Category:Sea Words

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