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Financial Terms

A central clearing house for Britain's charities. Allows supporters to make tax-efficient donations.

An organisation whose aim is to provide help for the needy. Trusts which are registered with the.

An investor who plots information about share prices and trading volumes on a chart, looking for.

A term used in wills which refers to the personal possessions of the maker of the will. Such items.

An account, with a bank (or additionally a building society in the UK) into which deposits are made.

A card, issued by a bank (or a building society in the UK), which guarantees the payment of a cheque.

A system which enables cheques to be transmitted between banks (and between branches) in order to.

The world's largest exchange for futures contracts, in terms of the number of contracts traded.

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (or Merc) was called the Chicago Butter and Egg Board until 1919 and.

An endowment assurance, on the life of a child, which can be taken as cash at maturity or converted.

A tax credit aimed at anyone with a child under 16, regardless of their marital status. The.

An internal 'wall' between two departments of a bank or other financial institution which is.

Unjustified overtrading by a stockbroker or fund manager.

This is an INCO term and explains what the price quoted represents and the responsibility of the buyer and seller in relaton to arranging for the various costs associated(e.g. insurance, freight, duties) with the shipment. It is normally used in sea or ai ...


(cost, insurance and carriage to point of destination)This is an INCO term and explains what the price quoted represents and the responsibility of the buyer and seller in relaton to arranging for the various costs associated(e.g. insurance, freight, dutie ...

A defensive regulation which some stock exchanges have to limit the damage of a sharp fall in.

An analyst's report which recommends that certain shares be bought, held or sold, based on his.

An office, represented in most towns in the UK, where the public can obtain free advice on an.

The rules which govern the management and timing of takeover bids involving companies listed on.

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