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Financial Terms

The sale of an option, by a holder, identical to the option which is held. This transaction.

A business owned and operated by its.

A document on which changes or additions are made to an existing signed will. Both the will and the.

An approach by a salesperson to a prospect (prospective buyer) either by telephone or in person.

A protective options strategy in which a written call and a long put are taken against a previously.

An asset pledged as a guarantee to a lender until a loan is repaid. If the borrower defaults,.

A banking term which refers to the branch which accepts cheques to be credited to its customers'.

This is where a seller sends documents relating to a shipment through his or her bank to the buyer's bank asking that they are released when a payment is made (CAD or D/P) or a bill of exchange is accepted (D/A).

This is the covering form or letter sent by a bank or seller asking that the enclosed shipping documents and bill of exchange are released to a buyer to be accepted or paid.

A term used in options trading. It is a straddle using options with different exercise prices, where.

Formerly an abbreviation for the Commodity Exchange in New York and now a division of the New York.

A retail bank, such as Barclays, Lloyds TSB, HSBC or Nat West which provides services to companies.

A mortgage on a non residential building occupied by a.

A short term note issued by banks and corporations with a range of maturities from 30 days to 270.

The documents by which naval officers hold their status as accredited officers in the navy they serve.

Payment made to a stockbroker when you buy or sell shares. In general, the level of commission.

Another term used to describe brokerage firms because they earn their living by charging.

Basic raw materials and foodstuffs such as metals, petroleum, coffee, grain.

A US government-owned corporation established in 1933 to support prices through purchases of excess.

Created by the US Congress in 1974 to regulate exchange trading in futures. URL:.

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