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Financial Terms

A demand made upon a transportation line for payment on account of a loss sustained through its alleged negligence.

All listed options of a particular type (i.e., call or put) on a particular underlying instrument,.

National Insurance Contributions See: 'National Insurance.

A term used in life assurance where under certain conditions, life assurance premium relief.

The process of moving payments between accounts from different banks or.

An independent organisation, appointed by an exchange, which guarantees securities.

A computerised payment system for clearing cheques in the.

A computerised payment system for clearing cheques in New.

A document issued by an adviser/broker to a client outlining the basis of the relationship and.

A company in which the directors control more than half the voting shares, or where such control is.

A securities market in which the difference between bid and offer prices is narrow and which.

A futures transaction where an equal and opposite trade closes an open position. This leaves a.

A collective fund which has a fixed number of issued shares traded on a stock exchange. Because.

The two months before a company announces its results in which directors are prohibited from dealing.

In the US, this refers to a corporation with only a small number of shareholders. Although a public.

The highest closing price for a specific security over the last 52.

The lowest closing price for a specific security over the last 52.

The closing price is the last price for a tradable instrument at the time the market closes. On.

The purchase of an option, by a writer, which has the same terms as an option which has previously.

A futures expression which refers to a range of closely allied prices at which transactions were.

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