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Financial Terms

To purchase enough of the available supply of a commodity or stock in order to manipulate its.

This rather grand term refers to various things that companies can do which affect the number of.

Corporate bonds are issued by companies to raise capital. They are an alternative to issuing new.

An individual or organisation who seeks to take over a company by purchasing its.

A tax payable by a company on its profits. The full rate is 30%, but there is a lower rate for.

A fall in the price of shares, either of one company or a sector or the whole market, which is.

The cost price of an asset used to establish capital gains tax.

The cost to a company of producing goods. Similarly with a retailer or distributor type business,.

A local taxation system which was introduced on 1st April 1993 to replace the previous and.

The risk inherent in holding shares, bonds or other securities whose fortunes are closely allied.

The annual rate of interest paid by the issuer of a bond until maturity. So, for instance, a Glaxo.

An office of the Supreme Court whose function is to manage and administer the property and affairs.

A formal agreement made in a.

The details of insurance provided by an insurance company to a policyholder.

A document confirming that recently-purchased insurance is in force. Used if a claim should be.

A strategy in which one call and one put with the same expiration, but different strike prices, are.

An option strategy in which one call and one put with the same strike price and expiration are.

A security which gives the holder the right to acquire a share or bond at a specific price and date..

In the case of call writing, covered means having a holding of shares at least equal to that implied.

A type of commodity-product spread involving the purchase of crude oil futures and the sale of.

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