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Facing away from the wind.


See gain.


A plastic molding component formed by the reaction of phenol and formaldehyde. It can be heavily reinforced or "filled" with glass fibers or other materials. Phenolics are known for their high impact strength, excellent wear characteristics, and dimension ...


A wave disturbance in airflow due to some barrier in the flow. i.e. a hill or mountain.


The attenuation of light.


A self-recording thermometer.


The total infrared radiation emitted from the earth's surface. To be carefully distinguished from atmospheric radiation, effective terrestrial radiation, and insolation.


The total of direct solar radiation and diffuse sky radiation received by a unit horizontal surface. Global radiation is measured by pyranometers.


An instrument which measures combined direct solar radiation and diffuse sky radiation. See pyrheliometer, Robitzsch actinograph. solarimeter. See also albedometer.


A refraction phenomenon similar to a parahelion, but occurring generally at a distance of 120


The temperature at which a solid substance undergoes fusion, i.e. melts, changes from solid to liquid form. All substances have their characteristic melting points. For very pure substances the temperature range over which the process of fusion occurs is ...


A device, similar to a potometer, for measuring transpiration, consisting of a vessel containing soil in which one or more plants are rooted and sealed so that water can escape only by transpiration from the plant.


The water volume within a specified portion of a stream channel.


The officially designated elevation of an airport above mean sea level, taken as the highest point on any of the runways of the airport. Same as airport elevation.


A temperature-sensing element which converts thermal energy directly into electrical energy. In its basic form it consists of two dissimilar metallic conductors connected in a closed loop. Each junction forms a thermocouple. If one thermocouple is maintai ...


The depth of water that would result from the melting of snow or ice, assuming measurement on a horizontal surface and no infiltration or evaporation.


Same as mercury barometer.


A type of instrument shelter. It is a wooden box painted white with double louvered sides and mounted on a stand four feet above the ground.


The ratio of the output of an instrument to the input value, i.e. a rain gauge with a sensitivity of 1 tip per 0.01"


See gust and peak gust.


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