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Same as fogbow.


That horizontal wind velocity at which the Coriolis acceleration exactly balances the horizontal pressure force. It is directed along contour lines or isobars.


An instrument for measuring differences of electric potential.


A conductor or system of conductors for radiating and/or receiving radio energy. Also called aerial.


In general, any object that reflects incident energy. Usually it is a device designed for specific reflection characteristics.


Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. A standard code used to represent data using 8 bits per character.


A pressure-plate anemometer consisting of a plate which is free to swing about a horizontal axis in its own plane above its center of gravity. The angular deflection of the plate is a function of the wind speed. This instrument is not used for station mea ...


A wind blowing in a direction perpendicular to the course of a moving object.


The nautical mile is closely related to the geographical mile which is defined as the length of one minute of arc on the earth's equator. By international agreement, the nautical mile is now defined as 1852 meters.


Solar radiation scattered by particles in the atmosphere.


The gravity flow of water within soil.


An estimate of the temperature of an incandescent body, determined by observing the wavelength at which it is emitting with peak intensity (its color) and using that wavelength in Wien's law.


A device for measuring sea-surface waves. It consists of a weighted pole below which a disk is suspended at a depth sufficiently deep for the wave motion associated with deepwater waves to be negligible. The pole will then remain nearly as if anchored to ...


A wooden enclosure about sixteen feet square and eight feet high with a precipitation gauge at its center. The function of the fence is to minimize eddies around the gauge and thus insure a catch that is representative of the actual rainfall or snowfall.


The wind speed and direction at various levels in the atmosphere above the level reached by surface weather observations.


A curve showing the variation of temperature with height in the free air. See lapse rate.


A common type of liquid-inglass thermometer, used, in meteorology, in psychrometers and as a maximum thermometer.


The direction, with respect to magnetic north, from which the wind is blowing. Distinguish from true wind direction.


Precipitation caused by the ascent of moist air over an orographic barrier such as a Mountain range.


The range of operating conditions within which a device is designed to operate and for which operating influences are stated. See operating conditions, reference operating conditions.


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