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An instrument for measuring the frost point of the atmosphere.


In a system of moist air, the dimensionless ratio of the mass of water vapor to the mass of dry air. For many purposes, the mixing ratio may be approximated by the specific humidity.


The volume of liquid water evaporated per unit area in unit time. usually measured as the depth of liquid water lost per unit time from the whole area.


Water vapor content of the air. See absolute humidity, dew point, mixing ratio, relative humidity, specific humidity.


An early and once universal name for the mercury barometer.


The maximum deviation of any points from a straight line drawn as a "best fit" through the calibration points of an instrument with a linear response curve. Usually expressed as a percentage of full- scale range.


The center of an area of high pressure, usually accompanied by anticyclonic and outward wind flow. Also known as an anticyclone.


A set of weekly colored rainbow arcs sometimes discernable inside a primary rainbow.


A protocol similar to RS232 which permits data interchange on multidrop networks of up to 32 nodes using a single twisted pair cable. In order for this protocol to be used, each device on a network must have some level of intelligence in order establish o ...


In general, solar radiation received at the earth's surface. Contracted from incoming solar radiation.


Same as aneroid barometer. Holostelic means wholly made of solids, while aneroid means devoid of liquid.


Rain gauge which registers precipitation that is too light to be registered by ordinary recording of the depth of water from precipitation. Same as ombrometer.


A particular pattern of snow sampler having an internal diameter of 1.485 inches so that each inch of water in the sample weighs one ounce.


The rate of decrease of temperature with height when unsaturated air is lifted adiabatically (without exchange of heat with its surroundings). The decrease is due to expansion as the air is lifted to a lower pressure.


A c.g.s. (centimeter-gram-second) unit of mass. Originally defined as the mass of 1 cubic centimeter of water at 4


Force wind-Wind with a speed above 64 knots (73 mph); Beaufort scale numbers 12 through 17.


An instrument used for measuring the specific gravity of a liquid.


A small, limited-capacity central processing unit contained entirely on one semiconductor chip.


A strong wind characterized by a sudden onset, a duration on the order of minutes, and a rather sudden decrease in speed.


A graduated scale placed in a position so that the stage of a stream may be read directly from it. Staff gauges may be placed on bridge piers or pilings, etc., or placed on specially constructed supports.
