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Thermometer in which the difference in the rates of expansion with temperature of a liquid and its receptacle is used as a measure of the temperature. The liquid used may be ethyl alcohol, toluene, petroleum, or mercury.


The algebraic difference between the upper and lower limits of the measuring range of an instrument, i.e. a thermometer with a range of -35 to 50


A liquid-in-glass thermometer which uses an organic substance such as alcohol as the thermometer liquid. This type of thermometer has a low freezing point and a high coefficient of expansion. It is less accurate, however, than a mercury thermometer.


Precipitation of white, opaque, spherical or conical ice particles that are crisp and easily crushed and that have diameters of 2 to 5 mm.


The quantity to be measured (or modulated, or detected, or operated upon) which is received by an instrument. Thus, for a thermometer. temperature is the input quantity.


See hurricane beacon.


A colorless and odorless gaseous element. The lightest and apparently the most abundant chemical element in the universe. However, it is found only in trace quantities in the observable portion of our atmosphere, only about 0.00005 percent by volume of dr ...


An anemometer which measures wind speed by means of the properties of wind-borne sound waves. It operates on the principle that the propagation velocity of a sound wave in a moving medium is equal to the velocity of sound with respect to the medium plus t ...


Programmable Read-Only Memory. Read-only memory which can be programmed by the user using a special hardware programmer.


Thermometer for measuring the temperature in the soil at different depths.


Companion to the wet-bulb thermometer in a psychrometer. Used to measure ambient air temperature.


A mercury-in-glass thermometer which records the temperature upon being inverted and retains its reading until being returned to the first position.



An area of low barometric pressure, with its attendant system of winds. Also called a depression or cyclone.


The outer, solid portion of the earth: the crust of the earth.


A mercury barometer of the fixed cistern type in which a moveable scale terminating in an ivory point is used to compensate for the variations in the height of the mercury in the cistern


The direction, with respect to true north, from which the wind is blowing. Distinguish from magnetic wind direction. In all standard upper-air and surface weather observations, it is true wind direction that is reported.


A hygrometer based upon the diffusion of water vapor through a porous membrane.


A unit of distance equal to 5280 feet. It is sometimes referred to as a land mile.


A defective maximum thermometer of the liquid-inglass type in which the mercury flows too freely through the constriction. Such a thermometer will indicate a maximum temperature that is too low.


A direct-vision nephoscope constructed in the following manner: A grid-work of bars is mounted horizontally on the end of a vertical column and made free to rotate about the vertical axis. The observer rotates the grid and adjusts his or her position unti ...


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