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The boundary between the troposphere and stratosphere, usually characterized by an abrupt change in lapse rate. Its height varies from 10 to 20 km. Regions above the tropopause have greater atmospheric stability than regions below.


The length of fluid flow (gas or liquid) past a sensor required for the sensor to respond to 63.2% of a step change in speed. Expressed in feet or meters. For anemometers, this value is calculated from time constant times wind tunnel speed.


The most common of the principal rainbow phenomena, which appears as an arc of about 42


The amount of sky covered or concealed by clouds or obscuring phenomena. It is reported in tenths, so that 0.0 indicates a clear sky and 1.0 (or 10/10) indicates a completely covered sky. The following classifications are used in aviation weather observat ...


Amount of solar radiation incident, per unit area and time, on a surface which is perpendicular to the radiation and is situated at the outer limit of the atmosphere, the earth being at its mean distance from the sun. It equals approximately 2.00 ly/ min ...


Line drawn through geographical points recording equal amounts of precipitation during a given time period or for a particular storm.


Wind with a speed between 11 and 16 knots (13 and 18 mph); Beaufort scale number 4.


The process of modifying some characteristic of a wave (the carrier) so that it varies in step with the instantaneous value of another wave (the modulating wave) in order to transmit a message. The modified characteristic may be frequency, phase, and/or a ...


Graduated fixed stake used in regions of abundant snowfall to facilitate the measurement of snow depth.


An instrument used to measure the water vapor content of the air. A type of hygrometer. It consists of a wet-bulb and a dry-bulb thermometer. See aspiration psychrometer, Assmann psychrometer. hygrodeik, sling psychrometer.


A line drawn through geographical points where a given seasonal biological event occurs on the same date.


A pressure tube anemometer, consisting of a pitot tube mounted on the windward end of a wind vane and a suitable manometer to measure the developed pressure and calibrated in units of wind.


The total electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun. About 99.9 percent of its energy output falls within the wavelength interval from 0. 15 microns to 4.0 microns, with peak intensity near 0.47 microns. About one-half of the total energy in the solar ...


A navigational aid used to facilitate the landing of an aircraft at an airport in instrument weather, i.e. low visibility.


An instrument which automatically records the measurement of two or more meteorological elements.


A current meter consisting of six conical cups, mounted around a vertical axis, which rotate and generate a signal with each rotation. Tail vanes and a heavy weight stabilize the instrument.


A unit of mass numerically equal to the molecular weight of the substance. The gram-mote or gram-molecule is the mass in grams numerically equal to the molecular weight, i.e. a gram-mole of oxygen is 32 grams.


As used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the departure (in


An instrument for studying, or examining substances in, polarized light. See Savant polariscope.


The rate of decrease of pressure per unit distance at a fixed time.


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