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Physical equipment used in data processing. Compare to firmware, software.


An instrument which records the duration of sunshine and gives a quantitative measure of the amount of sunshine by the action of the sun's rays upon blueprint paper. A type of sunshine recorder.


Anemometer whicb measures wind speed by measuring the degree of cooling of a metal wire heated by an electric current. A type of cooling power anemometer.


Name sometimes given to a transmissometer.


In general. the severe wind of an intense tropical cyclone (hurricane or typhoon). The term has no further technical connotation, but, unfortunately, is easily conftlsed with the strictly defined hurricane-force wind,


An air-launched balloon designed to be released in the eye of a tropical cyclone, float within the eye at predetermined levels, and transmit radio signals for RDF positioning.


The humidity transducinu element in a Diamond-Hinman radiosonde. Also called electrolytic strip.


force wind-Wind with a speed above 64 knots (73 mph); Beaufort scale numbers 12 through 17.


A measure of the intensity of gusts given by the ratio of the total range of wind speed between gusts and the intermediate periods of lighter wind to the mean wind speed, averaged over both gusts and lulls.


The record made by a hygrograph.


Readily taking up and retaining moisture.


A colorless and odorless gaseous element. The lightest and apparently the most abundant chemical element in the universe. However, it is found only in trace quantities in the observable portion of our atmosphere, only about 0.00005 percent by volume of dr ...


An instrument used for measuring the specific gravity of a liquid.


An inert gas. A colorless, monatomic element which is found to occur in dry air to the extent of only 0.000524 percent by volume. Helium is very light, having a molecular weight of only 4.003 and specific gravity referred to air of 0.138. Because helium i ...


Sustained winds greater than or equal to 40 mph or gust greater than or equal to 58 mph.


A graphical representation of a frequency distribution. The range of the variable is divided into class intervals for which the frequency of occurrence is represented by a rectangular column. The height of the column is proportional to the frequency of ob ...


A general term for atmospheric water in any of its forms, i.e. clouds, fog, hail, ice crystals, rain.


A unit that represents one degree of deviation from a reference point in the mean daily outdoor temperature (usually 65


A subtle, diumal component of the wind velocity leading to a diumal shift of the wind or turning of the wind with the sun, produced bv the east-to-west progression of daytime surface heating.


The scientific study of the waters of the earth, especially with relation to the effects of precipitation and evaporation upon the occurrence and character of water in streams, lakes, and on or below the land surface. In terms of the hydrologic cycle, the ...


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