Meteorology: Random Listings RSS

The standard deviation (positive square-root of the variation) of the errors associated with physical measurements of an unknown quantity, or statistical estimates of an unknown parameter or of a random variable.


A wind (or component thereof) directed down the slope of an incline and caused by greater air density near the slope than at the same levels some distance horizontally from the slope. Also called drainage wind and sometimes called katabatic wind.


The temperature to which a sample of air must be cooled, while the mixing ratio and barometric pressure remain constant, in order to attain saturation by water vapor. When this temperature is below O


A pyranometer developed by M. Robitzsch. Its design utilizes three bimetallic strips which are exposed horizontally at the center of a hemispherical glass bowl. The outer strips are white reflectors and the center strip is a blackened absorber. The bimeta ...


A clock-driven instrument mounting which automatically and continuously points in the direction of the sun. It is used with a pyrheliometera,hen continuous direct solar radiation measurements are required.


American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A standard code used to represent data using 8 bits (7 data bits and I parity bit) per character.


A relatively small-scale, downward moving current of air.


Pyrheliometer based on the comparison of the heating of two identical metal strips, one exposed to radiation, the other to a joule effect.


Anemometer whicb measures wind speed by measuring the degree of cooling of a metal wire heated by an electric current. A type of cooling power anemometer.


A self-recording thermometer.


See feed.


A device, similar to a potometer, for measuring transpiration, consisting of a vessel containing soil in which one or more plants are rooted and sealed so that water can escape only by transpiration from the plant.


A rotation anemometer in which the axis of rotation is horizontal. The instrument has either flat vanes (as in the air meter) or helicoidal vanes (as in the propeller anemometer). The relation between wind speed and angular rotation is almost linear.


A reversing thermometer which is encased in a strong glass outer shell that protects it against hydrostatic pressure. Compare to unprotected thermometer.


A hydrostatic principle that pressure supplied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished to every portion of the fluid and to the walls of the containing vessel.


Same as atmometer.


An instrument for photographing the corona and prominences of the sun at times other than at solar eclipse.


The limiting values of ceiling, visibility, and wind, or runway visual range, established as safety minimum for aircraft landings and take-offs.


A clockwise change in wind direction. Veering winds with height are indicative of warm air advection (WAA).


The rising of cold water from the deeper areas of the ocean to the surface. This phenomena often occurs along the California coast during the spring and summer.
