Sea Words: All Listings RSS

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A sailing vessel dead in the water due to lack of wind (not moving).

Category:Sea Words

States that the volume of a gas, at constant temperature, varies inversely with the pressure.

Category:Sea Words

A draft payable on demand upon presentation.

Category:Sea Words

ANSI specification for a Compressed air supply source that meets OSHA specification # 1910.134(i)(1)(ii)requirements for breathing air.

Category:Sea Words

Knees placed in the forward part of a vessel, across the stem, to unite the bows on each side. (See PLATE 3.)

Category:Sea Words

Speed or velocity of current (2) The leeway, or movement of the boat, when not under power, or when being pushed sideways while under power

Category:Sea Words

In lore, the flag flown by a pirate ship - a white skull on a black background with crossed bones below the skull - although there is no evidence that such a flag was ever flown.

Category:Sea Words

A rail car without a roof and walls.

Category:Sea Words

A person whose business is to act as an agent on behalf of the shipper. A freight forwarder frequently makes the booking reservation.

Category:Sea Words

Also bosun, bos'n, bo's'n, and bo'sun, all of which are pronounced bosun. The highest unlicensed rating in the deck department who has immediate charge of all deck hands, oversees deck crew, maintenance and upkeep of the ship except for the engine room an ...

Category:Sea Words

Leaning out over the side of the boat to to counteract heel and balance it.

Category:Sea Words

(1) An engine. (2) The act of using an engine to move a boat.

Category:Sea Words

A tall cone shaped navigational buoy.

Category:Sea Words

Condition that exists when the air, gas, or fluid normally passing through an element is being shunted around the element.

Category:Sea Words

Present a rate proposal to a conference meeting for adoption as a conference group rate.

Category:Sea Words

Percentage of time a compressor unit can operate at full load over a thirty minute period.

Category:Sea Words

The lower yard on a mizzen mast of a square-rigged ship.

Category:Sea Words

A watertight cockpit with scuppers, drains, or bailers that remove water.

Category:Sea Words

The top of a wheelhouse, forecastle, etc., having the form of a turtle's back.

Category:Sea Words

A frame that supports a boat when she's hauled out of the water onto shore.

Category:Sea Words