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Ocean vessels constructed with heavy-duty submersible hydraulic lift or elevator system at the stern of the vessel. The Sea-Bee system facilitates forward transfer and positioning of barges. Sea-Bee barges are larger than LASH barges. The Sea-Bee system i ...

Category:Sea Words

That part of the total stroke which can be utilized repeatedly in actuator applications. It is measured starting at the compressed height and is the difference between the compressed height and the actuator height limit.

Category:Sea Words

To intercept the wind. A vessel or highland to windward is said to becalm another. So one sail becalms another.

Category:Sea Words

The individual or firm that issues a draft and thus stands to receive payment.

Category:Sea Words

A large heavy knot usually made in the end of a heaving line to aid in accurate throwing.

Category:Sea Words

A buoy on the race course around which boats must turn.

Category:Sea Words

Back pressure.

Category:Sea Words

Secretly, to remove spirit from a keg or cask by making a small hole and sucking through a straw. also called Suck the Monkey

Category:Sea Words

A line leading forward from the end of a mainsail boom to prevent the boom from swinging inboard while broad reaching or running. also Preventer

Category:Sea Words

Carries supplies to drilling units or installations during field de-velopment or production.

Category:Sea Words

The essential fittings and equipment of a ship, such as anchors, rigging, masts, davits, derricks, winches, etc., excluding her consumable stores such as water, fuel and victuals.

Category:Sea Words

A general term for provisions, materials and supplies used aboard ship for the maintenance of the crew, and for the navigation, propulsion and upkeep of the vessel and its equipment.

Category:Sea Words

Extending a sail using a whisker pole

Category:Sea Words


Said to contain.

Category:Sea Words

Certificate given to a ship arriving from a foreign port, by the port's health officer, indicating that there are no cases of disease aboard the ship and the health of all on board is good.

Category:Sea Words

The right to maintain a course according to the Rules of Navigation. When two boats are on intersecting courses, one is the "stand-on" vessel (has "right of way" and must hold its course steady) so the other "give-way" vessel may steer clear. ...

Category:Sea Words

Used with reference to charges assessed for cargo movement past a line-haul terminating point.

Category:Sea Words

The act of the U.S. Congress (1916) that created the U.S. Shipping Board to develop water transportation, operate the merchant ships owned by the government, and regulate the water carriers engaged in commerce under the flag of the United States. As of Ju ...

Category:Sea Words

Where the engines of a ship are confined.

Category:Sea Words

A small flat bottomed boat square at either end.

Category:Sea Words