Sea Words: All Listings RSS

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Cubic feet per minute (cfm) of air required at the inlet to the distribution system.

Category:Sea Words

A metallic pad, usually embedded in concrete, on which the compressor feet are mounted.

Category:Sea Words

When the two blocks of a tackle have been drawn as close together as possible.

Category:Sea Words

The operation of rinsing out a cask to prepare it for new contents. Casks were once the primary means of carrying on board the necessary water and victuals.

Category:Sea Words

Laying up of a vessel, in a dock, for repairs.

Category:Sea Words

A small, heavy triangular loose-footed sail fitted aft of the mast and used primarily in very strong winds.

Category:Sea Words

The tender of one lot of cargo at one time from one shipper to one consignee on one bill of lading.

Category:Sea Words

A container fitted with a rear door and a minimum of one side door.

Category:Sea Words

Said of the anchor chain when moored and the chain does not lead clear of another chain.

Category:Sea Words

1.06 liquid U.S. quarts or 33.9 fluid ounces.

Category:Sea Words

The alternate rise and fall of the bow of a vessel proceeding through waves.

Category:Sea Words

A barge which loads material dumped into it by a dredger and discharges the cargo through the bottom.

Category:Sea Words

Water which runs down and collects in the bilges of a ship and usually becomes foul and noxious.

Category:Sea Words

Kept in a neat seaman-like manner.

Category:Sea Words

Lines drawn on a weather map indicating regions of equal pressure. When the lines are close together, this indicates a rapid change in air pressure, accompanied by strong winds.

Category:Sea Words

Loose ends of line left hanging over a ship's side.

Category:Sea Words

Chest, or compartment, in which is stowed clothing for issue to crew.

Category:Sea Words

A type of knot used to fasten an anchor to its line.

Category:Sea Words

A large net with its mouth held open, towed by a trawler along the bottom to catch bottom fish.

Category:Sea Words

An automatic or manual valve that causes the flow to be by passed.

Category:Sea Words