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Pieces of timber put in horizontally between the frames to form and secure any opening; as, for ports.

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Special Protection Area

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Cargo which is on wheels, such as truck or trailers, and which can be driven or towed on to a ship.

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Safety Management System (ISM Code)

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Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services

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(R/T)radio telegraph, telegraphy, telephone

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The fastenings of ropes that are seized together.

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Single Mooring Point. Tanker terminal using a single buoy or fixed structure to fasten the vessel and carry out cargo operations. The ship can swing freely around this point.

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Sunday, Saturday and Holidays Excluded. Method of calculating the Lay days. These days are not counted.

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A strong, rippling tide.

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Range finder, radio frequency

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A piece of compass-timber, fixed on the after part of the apron inside. The lower end is scarfed into the keelson, and receives the scarf of the stem, through which it is bolted.

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Remotely operated vehicle

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Safe Berth. Broker and chartering term meaning that the ship cannot be in danger hen berthed. If grounding is often a cause of the un-safety of the berth, urrent, weak mooring, and many other dangers can render a berth unsafe.

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Sinclair Roche & Temperley. Law firm located in London, Hong Kong, Shangai, Bucharest: ownership of shipping companies, chartering, carriage of goods, financing, insurance.

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Tango T = signal letter and flag. Morse = ( - )Flag= Red, white, blue vertical stripes.When hoisted singly from a ship it means : "Do not pass ahead of me."

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Port State Control. Convention which allows the contracting states to inspect the vessel calling their port, and detain them is safety deficiencies are observed.

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Secretary of State's Representative for Marine salvage and Intervention

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The cry used when a sail is first discovered at sea.

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