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A winch designed specifically for lowering、retaining and hoisting an accommodation ladder, and having a rope storage drum.

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Bolts that secure the planks to the timbers.

Category:Technical Terms

A term applied to a floating object that is moored or anchored so that it remains at one place. Budys are used for marking the places on the water where a ship is sunk, where reefs are below, where the edges of the channel are, or to provide means for moo ...

Category:Technical Terms

A winch used for hoisting and lowering cargo.

Category:Technical Terms

Those spaces in which the main navigating equipment, the ship's radio or the emergency source of power are located or where the fire recording or fire control equipment is centralized and also those spaces used for galleys, main pantries, stores (except i ...

Category:Technical Terms

A machine with a common prime mover which will provide independently the functions of either a windlass or a mooring winch (automatic or non-automatic).

Category:Technical Terms

A mooring winch with the additional ability to haul or render a mooring rope within selectable limits without direct human intervention.

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A vessel with permanently installed cranes designed principally for lifting operations.

Category:Technical Terms

The maximum rope tension (in kilonewtons), measured at drum exit when the drum just commences to rotate on the opposite direction to the applied driving torque, the prime mover being set for maximum torque in automatic control, with the rope wound on t ...

Category:Technical Terms

Strong pieces of plank used with the wring-bolts.

Category:Technical Terms

A machine designed to drop and hoist the anchor. It has one or more cable lifters mounted on a horizontal shaft, each being fitted with a brake. The cable lifters are capable of being declutched from the prime mover. One or two warping ends may also be fi ...

Category:Technical Terms

A winch, frequently unpowered, having rope storage capacity and used for topping and lowering a derrick boom while the boom is unloaded and for supporting it while it is supporting a load.

Category:Technical Terms

A notional continuous sound level which is calculated from the various A-we~ghteds ound levels and duration at these levels with an XdB exchange rate. The exchange rate is the number of dB decrease in noise level which would allow doubling of exposure tim ...

Category:Technical Terms

The maximum rope tension (in kilonewtons), measured at the drum exit when the winch is hoisting or hauling in at the nominal speed with the rope wound on the drum in a single layer.

Category:Technical Terms

A device worn to reduce the level of noise heard by the wearer.

Category:Technical Terms

Ability to float, the supporting effort exerted by a liquid (usaually water) upon the surface of a boly wholly or partially immersed.

Category:Technical Terms

A winch having a rope storage drum with or without warping end for manipulation of the rope bridle.

Category:Technical Terms

A special machinery device, which is applied on the dredger ship for digging, loosing soil, mashing, and sucking mud/rock. underwater

Category:Technical Terms

The maximum rope speed (in meters per second) that the winch can maintain with the rope wound on the drum in a single layer, and with negligible tension on the rope, normally not more than 10% of the drum load.

Category:Technical Terms

The maximum tension (in kilonewtons) that can be maintained by a braking/locking system in the first layer.

Category:Technical Terms