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A test applied to one of a batch of machines of identical design from one manufacturer.

Category:Technical Terms

Pipe-bundle also called umbilical stalk, which bundles together different supply pipes like air, fresh water, electrical power, communicative signal pipes, through which the underwater working unit obtains the supplies from the base above water or underwa ...

Category:Technical Terms

A winch with one or more rope storage drums for veering out, hauling in or making fast tow ropes.

Category:Technical Terms

A kind of winch, which is applied on sweep/survey ship for receiving/ throwing and towing the sweeping apparatus and hawser, and performing of sweeping the sediments under sea.

Category:Technical Terms

A kind of winch, which is applied for receiving/throwing the sampling apparatus, and performing the oceanic & geological sampling.

Category:Technical Terms

A device for hoisting and lowering the davit- launched lifeboat

Category:Technical Terms

A winch having one or more drums, which may operate independently or simultaneously, to hold、haul in or veer out the trawl ropes. It may have monitoring safety devices and spooling gear to protect ropes、net and gear. Auxiliary drums and warping ends may b ...

Category:Technical Terms

A kind of winch, which is applied for deep sea-bed material sampling, and performing the benthonic organism trawl survey.

Category:Technical Terms

A kind of winch, which is applied for receiving/throwing the hydrographic survey apparatus, and performing the hydrographic measurements.

Category:Technical Terms

A winch having a rope storage capacity and used for topping, lowering and supporting a boom under load and no load.

Category:Technical Terms

Without any means of powering, except for hand power.

Category:Technical Terms

A prime mover which is suitable for operating the deck machinery at its full designed load.

Category:Technical Terms


What is NDT ? The field of Nondestructive Testing (NDT) is a very broad,interdisciplinary field that plays a critical role in assuring that structural components and systems perform their function in are liable and cost effective fashion. NDT technicians ...

Category:Technical Terms

A winch having a rope storage capacity and used for slewing and retaining a boom.

Category:Technical Terms

The maximum rope tension (in kilonewtons), measured at the drum commences to rotate in the direction of haul, the prime mover being set for maximum torque under automatic control and the rope being wound on the drum in a single layer.

Category:Technical Terms

The maximum rope tension (in kilonewtons), measured at the drum exit when the drum ceases to rotate in the direction of haul, the prime mover being set for maximum torque and the rope being wound on the drum in a single layer.

Category:Technical Terms

A test applied to each machine produced by a manufacturer.

Category:Technical Terms

A crane with a boom consisted of several sections, being capable of moving the weight positions though folding the boom.

Category:Technical Terms

A crane with a jib which may be rotated by turning gear and adjusted in the vertical plane.

Category:Technical Terms

A lightly powered or unpowered drum intended solely for rope storage

Category:Technical Terms