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Category:Technical Terms


Quebec - Q = signal letter and flag. Morse = ( - - . - )Flag= Yellow.When hoisted singly from a ship it means "Quarantine flag"(Kerchove)Hoisted on arrival, it means that nobody can go ashore or board until the quarantine officer has cleared the ship. ...

Category:Technical Terms


Oscar - O = signal letter and flag. Morse = ( - - - )Flag= Halved diagonally in red and yellow.When hoisted singly from a ship it means "Man overboard."

Category:Technical Terms

Sundays and Holidays Excluded. Method of calculating the Lay days. These days are not counted.

Category:Technical Terms

Freight ship or ferry with facilities for vehicles to drive on and off (roll-on roll-off); a system of loading and discharging a ship whereby the cargo is driven on and off on ramps. Equipped with large openings at bow and stern and sometimes also in the ...

Category:Technical Terms

Sea coming on a boat's quarter.

Category:Technical Terms


Search And Rescue

Category:Technical Terms


To set up rigging, is to tauten it by tackles. The seizings are then put on afresh.

Category:Technical Terms

Society of International Gas Tankers and Terminal Operators ltd.

Category:Technical Terms


Seafarers International Union.

Category:Technical Terms


Uniform - U = signal letter and flag. Morse = ( . . - )Flag= Two white and two red square.When hoisted singly from a ship it means : "You are facing immediate danger."

Category:Technical Terms

The iron ring at the upper end of an anchor, to which the cable is bent.

Category:Technical Terms


Read only memory

Category:Technical Terms


To sag to leeward, is to drift off bodily to leeward.

Category:Technical Terms


Mike - M = signal letter and flag. Morse = ( - - )Flag= Diagonal white cross on blue background.When hoisted singly from a ship it means "I have a doctor on board." (Kerchove)

Category:Technical Terms


Quality assurance

Category:Technical Terms

A vessel of war which has had one deck cut down.

Category:Technical Terms


Direction toward which the current is flowing.

Category:Technical Terms

To reduce a sail by taking in upon its head, if a square sail, and its foot, if a fore-and-aft sail.

Category:Technical Terms