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Contraction for "Shipper's Export Declaration."

Category:Sea Words

The portion of a safety/relief valve that surrounds the spring. The spring housing.

Category:Sea Words

A window glazing coating, usually tinted bronze or gray, used to reduce building cooling loads, glare, and fabric fading.

Category:Energy Terms

This is where a bank other than the issuing bank also guarantees payment under the letter of credit. It normally is used if a seller finds the issuing bank an unacceptable risk and asks his or her own bank or another acceptable bank to guarantee (confirm) ...

Category:Financial Terms

The amount by which a company's yearly dividends grow compared with the previous.

Category:Financial Terms

When U.S. Customs orders shipments without entries to be kept in their custody in a bonded warehouse.

Category:Sea Words

Goods which have been prohibited from entering a belligerent state by the declaration of a blockade.

Category:Sea Words

A contract term meaning both parties agree to provide something for the other.

Category:Sea Words

A structure used to cool power plant water; water is pumped to the top of the tubular tower and sprayed out into the center, and is cooled by evaporation as it falls, and then is either recycled within the plant or is discharged.

Category:Energy Terms


Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers

Category:Sea Words

The operation of swinging round, by means of braces, the yards of a square rigged ship to set the sails more efficiently to the wind.

Category:Sea Words

A filter element whose medium consists of a series of uniform folds and has the geometric form of a cylinder, cone, disc, plate ... Synonymous with "convoluted" and "corrugated".

Category:Sea Words

Movement of crest of a progressive wave. Can also refer to radio waves.

Category:Sea Words

A legally binding agreement between two or more persons/organizations to carry out reciprocal obligations or value.

Category:Sea Words

A B/L wherein the paying customer has contracted with the carrier that shipper or consignee information is not given.

Category:Sea Words

A protective options strategy in which a written call and a long put are taken against a previously.

Category:Financial Terms

The yield on a security before the deduction of tax. Yield is a measure of the return on an.

Category:Financial Terms

A vessel's station bill showing duties of crew.

Category:Sea Words

Towards, near, or at the bow; Prefix denoting at, near, or toward the bow.

Category:Sea Words

The cabin towards the front of the vessel.

Category:Sea Words