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Statement on the condition of the vessel. The sufficiency of a vessel in materials, construction, equipment, crew and outfit for the trade in which it is employed. Any sort of disrepair to the vessel by which the cargo may suffer, overloading, untrained o ...

Category:Sea Words

An acid carbonate.

Category:Sea Words

(CPI) An index which tracks the prices of a variety of goods purchased by an average consumer. The goods.

Category:Financial Terms

Moving belt which brings a continuous supply of buckets loaded with bulk commodities.

Category:Sea Words

Wing-like retractable devices extending from the sides of the vessel to dampen down rolling in seas and produce a steadier, smoother, and more comfortable motion.

Category:Sea Words

A rope used for additional support or for additional securing, e.g., preventer stay.

Category:Sea Words

Electrical measurement. The output of one or several electric machines. Load also denotes the power carried by a particular circuit.

Category:Sea Words

A device for transforming the quality and quantity of electrical energy; also an inverter.

Category:Energy Terms

A window glazing coating, usually tinted bronze or gray, used to reduce building cooling loads, glare, and fabric fading.

Category:Energy Terms

A small wooden box, with lock and key, in which seamen keep sentimental valuables, stationery, and sundry small stores.

Category:Sea Words

National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

Category:Sea Words

Small marlinespike.

Category:Sea Words

A trust which has been registered with the appropriate authority and which enjoys income tax.

Category:Financial Terms

A private trust which empowers trustees to use their discretion in distributing funds to.

Category:Financial Terms


A measurement. Parts per million

Category:Sea Words

The process of modifying the characteristics of electrical power (for e.g., inverting dc to AC).

Category:Energy Terms

An approach to stockpicking which focuses on the search for shares whose prices have dropped so low.

Category:Financial Terms

A lift truck fitted with lifting attachments operating to one side for handling containers.

Category:Sea Words

Towards, near, or at the bow; Prefix denoting at, near, or toward the bow.

Category:Sea Words