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Pair of hooks linked together and attached to a crane.

Category:Sea Words

A type of journal bearing in centrifugal air compressors.

Category:Sea Words

A rope used for additional support or for additional securing, e.g., preventer stay.

Category:Sea Words

A ball shaped buoy marking a navigational hazard.

Category:Sea Words

A trust which has been registered with the appropriate authority and which enjoys income tax.

Category:Financial Terms

A system of designating meteorological observing stations by number. established and administered by the World Meteorological Organization. Under this scheme, specified areas of the word are divided into "blocks" each bearing a two-number designator. Stat ...


Working Party on Surveyors Reporting and Certification (IACS)


A rope network.

Category:Sea Words

Legendary opportunists who lured vessels onto shoals during nights when there was no moonlight to illuminate the coastline.

Category:Sea Words

Statement on the condition of the vessel. The sufficiency of a vessel in materials, construction, equipment, crew and outfit for the trade in which it is employed. Any sort of disrepair to the vessel by which the cargo may suffer, overloading, untrained o ...

Category:Sea Words

National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

Category:Sea Words

A curve illustrating the variation or spectral irradiance with wavelength.

Category:Energy Terms

A card, issued by a bank (or a building society in the UK), which guarantees the payment of a cheque.

Category:Financial Terms

The two times of the year when the sun is apparently farthest north and south of the earth's equator; usually occurring on or around June 21 (summer solstice in northern hemisphere, winter solstice for southern hemisphere) and December 21 (winter solstice ...

Category:Energy Terms

The sale of an option, by a holder, identical to the option which is held. This transaction.

Category:Financial Terms

A dynamic compressor. A machine in which air or gas is compressed by the mechanical action of rotating vanes or impellers imparting velocity and pressure to the air or gas. In a centrifugal compressor, flow is in a radial direction. Air enters the compres ...

Category:Sea Words

Specially designed for the transport of chemicals.

Category:Sea Words

The highest temperature at which well-defined liquid and vapor states exist.

Category:Sea Words

The process of modifying the characteristics of electrical power (for e.g., inverting dc to AC).

Category:Energy Terms

Flapping (of sails)

Category:Sea Words