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Towards, near, or at the bow; Prefix denoting at, near, or toward the bow.

Category:Sea Words

The cabin towards the front of the vessel.

Category:Sea Words

Is a compression in which the temperature of a gas remains constant.

Category:Sea Words

A term used in life assurance where under certain conditions, life assurance premium relief.

Category:Financial Terms

(CTA)Oversees the operations of the US 'consolidated tape', which it developed, under a formal 'CTA Plan'.

Category:Financial Terms

An allowable expense subtracted from gross income to reduce income tax liability. An exemption.

Category:Financial Terms

Cabin; sleeping compartment.

Category:Sea Words

Place where cargo leaves the care and custody of carrier.

Category:Sea Words

The time of the day, at a specific location, when the sun reaches its highest, apparent point in the sky; equal to true or due, geographic south.

Category:Energy Terms

A way of valuing a share based on the net present value of the dividends that you expect to.

Category:Financial Terms

(Forex) Currencies issued by foreign.

Category:Financial Terms

In a radiosonde observation, a level (other than a standard level) for which values of pressure, temperature, and humidity are reported because temperature and/or humidity data at that level is sufficiently important or unusual to warrant the attention of ...


A small wooden box, with lock and key, in which seamen keep sentimental valuables, stationery, and sundry small stores.

Category:Sea Words

An urgent message used on a radio regarding the safety of people or property. A PAN PAN message is not used when there is an immediate threat to life or property, instead the MAYDAY call is used. PAN PAN situations may develop into MAYDAY situations. As w ...

Category:Sea Words

A blend of gases tailored to replace the normal atmosphere within a container.

Category:Sea Words

Machines in which axial vanes slide radially in an eccentrically mounted rotor.

Category:Sea Words

The theoretical speed that a boat can travel without planing, based on the shape of its hull This speed is 1.34 times the length of a boat at its waterline. Also known as hull speed.

Category:Sea Words

An acid carbonate.

Category:Sea Words

Insurance which gives cover in respect of the contents of a home. This includes damage, theft or.

Category:Financial Terms

Turning out all hands on board ship in the morning, or calling the watch for duty on deck.

Category:Sea Words