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In spray painting applications, air trapped in a paint film caused by poor atomization during spraying.

Category:Sea Words

The senior engineer officer responsible for the satisfactory working and upkeep of the main and auxiliary machinery and boiler plant on board ship.

Category:Sea Words

Air or vapor given off or expelled as a byproduct or result of an operation or treatment process.

Category:Sea Words

A short term note issued by banks and corporations with a range of maturities from 30 days to 270.

Category:Financial Terms

Nautical slang for the engineroom crew. Included the chief engineer, who ran the engine and supervised; oilers and wipers, who lubricated and maintained the engine; and firemen and coal-passers, who fed the steam boilers.

Category:Sea Words

Is the temperature at which moisture begins to condense in a compressed air system.

Category:Sea Words

The operation of secretly bringing goods into a country to avoid paying duty on the goods. Also applies to illicit goods.

Category:Sea Words

The magnetic compass used by the navigator as a standard.

Category:Sea Words

A method of removing heat from the flowing medium by circulation of a coolant in passages built into the diaphragm.

Category:Sea Words

An independent organisation, appointed by an exchange, which guarantees securities.

Category:Financial Terms

The terms which apply when convertible loan stock, for example, a bond or a debenture, are.

Category:Financial Terms

A tax payable by a company on its profits. The full rate is 30%, but there is a lower rate for.

Category:Financial Terms

A block with a single sheave which is hinged and opens on the side so that the bight of a line can be led into the block and closed without running the whole length through

Category:Sea Words

The process by which a company changes the structure of its share capital by reducing the number.

Category:Financial Terms

The details of insurance provided by an insurance company to a policyholder.

Category:Financial Terms

A "C" shaped fitting which can be slipped over the boom, for example, when the sail has been roller reefed to allow the boom vang to be reattached.

Category:Sea Words

Is that pressure of either the motive fluid or of the ejector gas discharge which causes an ejector to become unstable.

Category:Sea Words

A plastic payment card enabling the holder to obtain goods and services without the requirement to.

Category:Financial Terms


A distress call made by a vessel requiring assistance. These three letters were chosen because they were easy to make and read using Morse Code. Some believe the letters meant "Save Our Ship" or "Save Our Souls".

Category:Sea Words

The opening between the jib and the mainsail. Wind passing through this opening increases the pressure difference across the sides of the mainsail, helping to move the boat forward.

Category:Sea Words