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When a container or vessel has reached its volumetric capacity before its permitted weight limit.

Category:Sea Words

CFM. An airflow measurement of volume.

Category:Sea Words

The use of solar thermal energy or solar electricity to power a cooling appliance. There are five basic types of solar cooling technologies: absorption cooling, which can use solar thermal energy to vaporize the refrigerant; desiccant cooling, which can u ...

Category:Energy Terms

A device that achieves very high temperatures by the use of reflectors to focus and concentrate sunlight onto a small receiver.

Category:Energy Terms

Response to an offer which varies the terms or conditions of that offer.

Category:Sea Words

An organisation whose aim is to provide help for the needy. Trusts which are registered with the.

Category:Financial Terms

A retail bank, such as Barclays, Lloyds TSB, HSBC or Nat West which provides services to companies.

Category:Financial Terms

The number of revolutions per minute of the compressor shaft.

Category:Sea Words

The process of distributing electricity; usually defines that portion of an electrical utility's power lines between a utility's power pole and transformer and a customer's point of connection/meter.

Category:Energy Terms

A federally funded institute, created by the Solar Energy Research, Development and Demonstration Act of 1974, that conducted research and development of solar energy technologies. Became the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in 1991.

Category:Energy Terms

The turbulent effect of air on the lee side of a sail when trimmed in too far.

Category:Sea Words

An intermodal system for transporting containers by ocean and then by rail or motor to a port previously served as an allwater move (e.g., Hong Kong to New York over Seattle).

Category:Sea Words

A device used to collect, absorb, and transfer solar energy to a working fluid.

Category:Energy Terms

Canvas or wood seat attached a halyard to raise and lower someone to work on the mast

Category:Sea Words

A two-masted vessel with foremast square rigged, and mainmast fore and aft rigged. Originally, a ship of brigands, or pirates.

Category:Sea Words

An approach by a salesperson to a prospect (prospective buyer) either by telephone or in person.

Category:Financial Terms

A marine hardware store.

Category:Sea Words

A desiccant most commonly used in heat regenerative type dryers.

Category:Sea Words

The Greek god of the sea.

Category:Sea Words