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Flapping (of sails)

Category:Sea Words

A connection or link between power systems that enables them to draw on each other's reserve capacity in time of need.

Category:Energy Terms

An options strategy involving four strike prices that has both limited risk and limited profit.

Category:Financial Terms

(CTS) Receives and disseminates, electronically, listed stock last-sale prices in all markets in which.

Category:Financial Terms

This is an INCO term and explains what the price quoted represents and the responsibility of the buyer and seller in relaton to arranging for the various costs associated(e.g. insurance, freight, duties) with the shipment. It is normally used in sea shipm ...

Category:Financial Terms

A board-shaped swinging vane, controlled by a tiller or wheel, and attached to the rudderpost or stern for steering and maneuvering a vessel.

Category:Sea Words

Without sufficient crew.

Category:Sea Words

Is the saturation pressure at the critical temperature.

Category:Sea Words

The programs and instructions which direct a computer.


Shapes such as angle bars or stringers welded to a surface such as a plated bulkhead to increase rigidity.

Category:Sea Words

Also known as PM, maintenance performed according to a fixed schedule involving the routine repair and replacement of machine parts and components.

Category:Sea Words

Electrical measurement. The output of one or several electric machines. Load also denotes the power carried by a particular circuit.

Category:Sea Words

see Chanty.

Category:Sea Words

A piece of equipment designed to lift containers by their corner castings.

Category:Sea Words

A purchase (block and tackle) for hoisting a boat to its davits.

Category:Sea Words


The metal axle of a block upon which the sheave revolves.

Category:Sea Words

Ship Financing Revolving Fund


Flat steel stock of various thicknesses used in the construction of a ship to form the sides and decks.

Category:Sea Words

(1) To stop moving. (2) Usually air travels smoothly along both sides of a sail, but if the sail is not properly trimmed, the air can leave one of the sides of the sail and begin to stall. Stalled sails are not operating efficiently.

Category:Sea Words

A free port in a country divorced from Customs authority but under government control. Merchandise, except that which is prohibited, may be stored in the zone without being subject to import duty regulations.

Category:Sea Words