When the wind pushes on the wrong side of the sail, causing it to be pushed away from the wind. If the lines holding the sail in place are not released, the boat could become hard to control and heel excessively.

To hold the mainsail or jib off to the side to cause the wind to blow onto the backside of the sail, used to slow a boat

Bankers Automated Clearing Services BACS is an APACS clearing company which provides an automated clearing service for payments.

Single-celled organisms, free-living or parasitic, that break down the wastes and bodies of dead organisms, making their components available for reuse by other organisms.

A device, such as a steel plate, used to check, retard, or divert a flow of a material.

A condition where the particles (dust) becomes embedded in the fabric filter over time and are not removed by the bag cleaning process.

A fabric bag through which a gas stream is passed for the removal of particulate matter.

The fibrous material remaining after the extraction of juice from sugarcane; often burned by sugar mills as a source of energy.

Tassels of unraveled line, yarns, etc. which are lashed around chafe spots such as spreaders to prevent chafe on sails.

An air pollution control device used to filter particulates from waste combustion gases; a chamber containing a bag filter.

A metastable aggregate of ferrite and cementite resulting from the transformation of austenite at temperatures below the pearlite range but above M