A mortgage which carries priority over any subsequent mortgages if the borrower goes into default.

Notice of intention to deliver a commodity in fulfilment of an expiring futures contract can be.

The use of spending and taxation by the government in order to achieve its economic objectives. Put.

The twelve month period commencing 6th April and ending 5th April the following.

The U.S. Government's 12-month financial year, from October to September, of the following calender year; e.g.: FY 1998 extends from Oct. 1, 1997 to Sept. 30, 1988.

Areas on a steel fracture surface having a characteristic white crystalline appearance.

A traditionally shaped anchor having flukes perpendicular to the stock of the anchor and connected by a shank. These are less common than modern anchors such as the plow and lightweight anchors.

A vessel used commercially for catching fish, whales, seals, walrus or other living resources of the sea.

In the US, an annuity which guarantees payments to an annuitant which are fixed for life or a.

Assets of a company such as buildings and machinery which are regularly used over a long period of.