A mortgage which carries priority over any subsequent mortgages if the borrower goes into default.

Category:Financial Terms

Notice of intention to deliver a commodity in fulfilment of an expiring futures contract can be.

Category:Financial Terms

First attempt at best offer that can be matched

Category:Sea Words

The use of spending and taxation by the government in order to achieve its economic objectives. Put.

Category:Financial Terms

The twelve month period commencing 6th April and ending 5th April the following.

Category:Financial Terms

The U.S. Government's 12-month financial year, from October to September, of the following calender year; e.g.: FY 1998 extends from Oct. 1, 1997 to Sept. 30, 1988.

Category:Energy Terms

Areas on a steel fracture surface having a characteristic white crystalline appearance.

General term used to denote all activities connected with the catching of fish by any means.

Category:Sea Words

A traditionally shaped anchor having flukes perpendicular to the stock of the anchor and connected by a shank. These are less common than modern anchors such as the plow and lightweight anchors.

Category:Sea Words

A knot used to fasten a line or cable to the anchor.

Category:Sea Words

Slang sailing expression for a piece of metal or shroud that can cut or stab you.

Category:Sea Words

A vessel used commercially for catching fish, whales, seals, walrus or other living resources of the sea.


The general preparation of a vessel to make ready for the sea in all respects.

Category:Sea Words

Free In Trimmed



Fishery Inspection Vessel.



Free In Wagon



A vessel's position determined by observation and navigational data.

Category:Sea Words

In the US, an annuity which guarantees payments to an annuitant which are fixed for life or a.

Category:Financial Terms

Assets of a company such as buildings and machinery which are regularly used over a long period of.

Category:Financial Terms

is the design (built-in) compression ratio for a rotary unit having this feature

Category:Sea Words

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