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Every company has an 'accounting reference date'. This is a date which it chooses itself, and.

Category:Financial Terms

A small pier that projects from a larger pier.

Category:Sea Words

Both a noun and a verb to describe the exterior surface of building elements (walls, floors, ceilings, etc.) and furniture, and the process of applying it.

Category:Energy Terms

Free In Out and Spout-Trimmed.


Classifications of fires developed by the National Fire Protection Association.

Category:Energy Terms

The state of the weather with respect to its effect upon the kindling and spreading of forest fires.


A graphical aid used in fire weather forecasting to calculate the degree of forest-fire danger (or burning index). Commonly in the form of a circular slide rule, the firedanger meter relates numerical indices of (a) the seasonal stage of foliage, (b) the ...


The ability of a building construction assembly (partition, wall, floor, etc.) to resist the passage of fire. The rating is expressed in hours.

Category:Energy Terms

A wood or gas burning appliance that is primarily used to provide ambiance to a room. Conventional, masonry fireplaces without energy saving features, often take more heat from a space than they put into it.

Category:Energy Terms

A wood or gas burning heating appliance that fits into the opening or protrudes on to the hearth of a conventional fireplace.

Category:Energy Terms

A wall to prevent the spread of fire; usually made of non-combustible material.

Category:Energy Terms

The amount of BTU's/hour or kW's produced by a heating system from the burning of a fuel.

Category:Energy Terms

A capacity measurement equal to one-fourth of a barrel.

Category:Sea Words

An offer which is not conditional in any way.

Programs or instructions which are stored in readonly memory.


Old snow that has become granular and compacted as a result of melting and refreezing.


The first closing date is one of the milestones in the process by which one company takes over.

Category:Financial Terms

A joint-life insurance policy which pays money to a surviving partner on the first partner's.

Category:Financial Terms

States that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only changed from one form to another. First Law efficiency measures the fraction of energy supplied to a device or process that it delivers in its output. Also called the law of conservation of energ ...

Category:Energy Terms

The amount of work done on or by a system is equal to the amount of energy transferred to or from the system.

Category:Sea Words

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