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Finite Element Method


Facility Engineering Management Support System.


To prevent contact with an object while bringing the ship alongside.2. To push off when making a landing.

Category:Sea Words

Canvas, wood or rope used over the side to protect a vessel from chafing when alongside another vessel or a dock.

Category:Sea Words

The arrangement, proportion, and design of windows in a building.

Category:Energy Terms

Federation of European Private Port Operators


The decomposition of organic material to alcohol, methane, etc., by organisms, such as yeast or bacteria, usually in the absence of oxygen.

Category:Energy Terms

(1) A solid solution of one or more elements in body-centered cubic iron. Unless otherwise designated (for instance, as chromium ferrite), the solute is generally assumed to be carbon. On some equilibrium diagrams, there are two ferrite regions separated ...

Pertaining to the body-centered cubic crystal structure (BCC) of many ferrous (iron-base) metals.

An analytical method of assessing machine health by quantifying and examining ferrous wear particles suspended in the lubricant or hydraulic fluid.

Category:Sea Words

A vessel designed for the transport of people or goods from one place to another on a regular schedule.

Category:Sea Words

(1) The distance that the wind and sea has to travel over open water unimpeded by land; the longer the fetch, generally the higher the waves. (2) Also to reach someplace, especially in adverse conditions. When sailing close-hauled, being able to arrive at ...

Category:Sea Words


Abbreviation for "Forty-Foot Equivalent Units." Refers to container size standard of forty feet. Two twenty-foot containers or TEU's equal one FEU.

Category:Sea Words


Forty-Foot Equivalent Unit (Container)



Forty Foot Equivalent Units (Containers).

Category:Sea Words

Fridays, Holidays Excepted (Muslim Countries)


Fridays, Holidays Included (Muslim Countries)


(FDDI)Trading floor network connecting all trading floor terminals for the.

Category:Financial Terms

A type of insulation, composed of small diameter pink, yellow, or white glass fibers, formed into blankets or batts, or used in loose-fill and blown-in applications.

Category:Energy Terms

An Italian mathematician, born Leonardo Pisano, who lived from 1170-1250. Most famous for the.

Category:Financial Terms

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