Corrosion that occurs under some coatings in the form of randomly distributed threadlike filaments.

The ratio of a photovoltaic cell's actual power to its power if both current and voltage were at their maxima. A key characteristic in evaluating cell performance.

Category:Energy Terms

(FOK)A particular type of order which a client gives to his broker when buying shares.

Category:Financial Terms

An increase in the central pressure of a pressure system; opposite of a deepening. More commonly applied to a low rather than a high.


A thin, not necessarily visible, layer of material.

Free In/Liner Out. Seafreight with which the shipper pays load costs and the carrier pays for discharge costs.


A device that removes solid contaminants, such as dirt or metal particles, from a liquid or gas (air is a gas), or that separates one liquid from another, or a liquid from a gas. The term filter describes the complete unit ... housing, filter element, int ...

Category:Sea Words

A device that removes contaminants, by mechanical filtration, from the fresh air stream before the air enters the living space. Filters can be installed as part of a heating/cooling system through which air flows for the purpose of removing particulates b ...

Category:Energy Terms

A filtering unit for vented enclosures installed to prevent dirt and foreign matter from entering the enclosure. Also prevents oil loss by retaining oil droplets and draining the oil back to the sump.

Category:Sea Words

A filter unit that combines three principles to filter out oil aerosols: 1) Direct interception - A sieving action, 2) Inertial impaction - Collision with filter media fibers, 3) Diffusion -Particles travel in a spiral motion, presenting an effective fron ...

Category:Sea Words

The ability of a filter to remove specified test contaminants under specified test conditions from a specific test fluid, air, gas or liquid. Expressed as a percentage of the quantity of test contaminant introduced into the inlet of the filter test system

Category:Sea Words

The porous device which perform the actual process of filtration.

Category:Sea Words

An end closure for the filter case or bowl that contains one or more ports.

Category:Sea Words

Something that covers or protects the filter assembly.

Category:Sea Words

Inlet and outlet connections are located at the same level on opposite sides of the filter or other device installed on the pipeline.

Category:Sea Words

A type of filter capacity test in which a clogging contaminant is added to the influent of a filter, under specified test conditions, to produce a given rise in pressure drop across the filter or until a specified reduction of flow is reached. Filter life ...

Category:Sea Words

The porous material contained inside the filter to (a) separate the contaminants from the incoming air, gas, or liquid. (b) separate the liquid from the gas. Filter medium is usually made of paper, wire mesh, special cellulose, or a combination.

Category:Sea Words

A labyrinth type filter having the active surfaces continuously splashed with oil. Most pollutants are absorbed by the oil which when circulated releases its pollutants, which sink by gravity to the bottom of the oil pan.

Category:Sea Words

Filtering unit that separates solids and liquid droplets from gas (air). Widely used in removing oil from a gas or air.

Category:Sea Words

The physical or mechanical process of separating insoluble particulate matter from a fluid, such as air or liquid, by passing the fluid through a filter medium that will not allow the particulate to pass through it.

Category:Sea Words

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