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Financial Intermediaries Managers and Brokers Regulatory Association The self regulating organisation originally responsible for governing financial advisers. Became.

Category:Financial Terms


Finland (Flag)



A thin sheet of material (metal) of a heat exchanger that conducts heat to a fluid.

Category:Energy Terms

A keel that is narrow and deeper than a full keel.

Category:Sea Words

The end of year dividend. In the UK, companies normally pay dividends twice per year, an interim.

Category:Financial Terms

The results reported by a company for a full financial year.

Category:Financial Terms

The basis of determining a person's pension entitlement in a final salary scheme and which.

Category:Financial Terms

A pension scheme in which an employee's pension is based on number of years of service and final.

Category:Financial Terms

A company whose main purpose is the financing of hire purchase.

Category:Financial Terms

A professional person qualified to give advice to clients regarding investments such as life.

Category:Financial Terms

Futures contracts where the underlying instruments are financial such as shares, interest rates,.

Category:Financial Terms

An institution which accepts funds from the public and reinvests in bank deposits, bonds and stocks.

Category:Financial Terms

A pocket sized pager with datascreen which can display a variety of financial information including.

Category:Financial Terms

A professional person qualified to give clients financial planning.

Category:Financial Terms

The service provided by a financial planner. This is a long term service provided for clients which.

Category:Financial Terms

A Government Act introduced primarily to provide increased protection for investors and to regulate.

Category:Financial Terms

(FSA)The replacement regulating body for the Securities and Investments Board (SIB). The FSA, which.

Category:Financial Terms

(FSCS) The Financial Services Compensation Scheme is the sole financial compensatory scheme. It was set up.

Category:Financial Terms

The measure of a company's solvency, looking at the relationship between its assets and its.

Category:Financial Terms

A wide range of indices including shares, stocks and fixed interest securities published by the.

Category:Financial Terms

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