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Formation of a single water drop by the union of two or more colliding drops.


A protective coating applied to circuits.


A reversing thermometer (for seawater temperature) which is not protected against hydrostatic pressure. The mercury bulb is therefore squeezed, and the amount of mercury broken off on reversal is a function of both temperature and of hydrostatic pressure.


Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor. A method of making silicon chips that results in low power consumption by the circuits.



Cathode Ray Tube. A display element, consisting of a vacuum tube and screen, used with computers.


A numbering system using a base number of 2 and having only two digits: 0 and 1. The fundamental system of representing information with electrical pulses.


An automatic, recording cloud height indicator.


Solar and terrestrial radiation directed upward (away From the earth's surface); outgoing radiation.


Physical equipment used in data processing. Compare to firmware, software.


An instrument resulting from the combination of a thermograph and a hygrograph and furnishing, on the same chart, simultaneous time recording of ambient temperature and humidity.


An instrument, for the recording of two or more meteorological parameters, in which the ventilation is provided by a suction fan.


Clouds which cover between 6/10 and 9/10 of the sky. See Sky Terminology.


Thermometer used for measuring the highest temperature attained during a given interval of time, for example, a day.


The correction applied to an instrument to account for the effect of temperature upon its response characteristics.


The rising of cold water from the deeper areas of the ocean to the surface. This phenomena often occurs along the California coast during the spring and summer.


The envelope of air surrounding the earth and bound to it more or less permanently by virtue of the earth's gravitational attraction. The system whose chemical Properties. dynamic motions, and physical processes constitute the subject matter of meteorolog ...


An instrument whose calibration is determined by comparison with an absolute instrument.


General term for an instrument which records the vertical electric current in the atmosphere.


An approximation to the complete equations describing atmospheric motion in which only the terms most important for the growth and decay of synoptic scale extratropical weather systems (i.e., the large areas of high and low pressure seen on weather maps) ...


An atmometer consisting of a porous porcelain or ceramic container connected to a calibrated reservoir filled with distilled water. Evaporation is determined by the depletion of water in the reservoir.


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