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A hygrometer which uses a transducing element whose electrical properties are a function of atmospheric water vapor content. The humidity strip and carbon-film hygrometer element are examples of such a transducer.


A form of data transmission in which the bits of each character are sent one at a time along a single communication path. Compare to parallel data transmission.


A buoyant balloon kept from rising freely by means of a line secured to a point on the ground, as opposed to a free balloon. See kytoon.


A unit measure of electrical conduction. The facility with which a substance conducts electricity, as represented by the current density per unit electrical-potential gradient in the direction of flow. Electrical conductivity is the reciprocal of electric ...


Difference between the instantaneous wind velocity at a point and the mean wind velocity taken over a given time interval. Also called fluctuation velocity.



Video Display Terminal. An input and display device which includes a keyboard and a screen and allows a human to communicate with a computer.


See evaporation pan.


Temperature of equilibrium between the liquid and vapor phases of a substance at a given pressure.


The effect upon the measurement of rainfall caused by the presence of the rain gauge.


The older name for the Celsius temperature scale. Officially abandoned by international agreement in 1948, but still in common use.


See evaporative opportunity.


A rain gauge or array of rain gauges designed to measure the inclination and direction of falling rain.


Situated on the side from which the wind blows.


A combination cup anemometer and pressure-plate anemometer, consisting of an array of cups about a vertical axis of rotation, the free rotation of which is restricted by a suitable spring arrangement.


Any one of numerous devices for the measurement of either speed alone or of both direction and speed (set and drift) in flowing water.


The maximum distance along the runway at which the runway lights are visible to a pilot at touchdown. Runway visual range may be determined by an observer located at the end of the runway, facing in the direction of landing, or by means of a transmissomet ...


An inert gas. A colorless, monatomic element which is found to occur in dry air to the extent of only 0.000524 percent by volume. Helium is very light, having a molecular weight of only 4.003 and specific gravity referred to air of 0.138. Because helium i ...


A mercury barometer designed for use aboard ship. The instrument is of the fixed-cistern type (see Kew barometer). The mercury tube is constructed with a wide bore for its upper portion and with a capillary bore for its lower portion. This is done to incr ...


An absolute pyhrliometer, developed by C.G. Abbott, in which the radiation-sensing element is a blackened water-calorimeter.


The true freezing point of water. The temperature at which a mixture of air-saturated pure water and pure ice may exist in equilibrium at a pressure of one standard atmosphere.


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