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See calorie.


An approximation to the complete equations describing atmospheric motion in which only the terms most important for the growth and decay of synoptic scale extratropical weather systems (i.e., the large areas of high and low pressure seen on weather maps) ...


An atmometer consisting of a porous porcelain or ceramic container connected to a calibrated reservoir filled with distilled water. Evaporation is determined by the depletion of water in the reservoir.


A balloon designed to float at a constant pressure level. This may be accomplished by a pressure valve which controls the release of ballast so as to maintain flight above a selected pressure level until the supply of ballast is exhausted. See Moby Dick b ...


Anemometer which measures wind speed by the speed of rotation of 3 or 4 hemispherical or conical cups, each fixed to the end of a horizontal arm projecting from a vertical axis. See condenser-discharge anemometer, contact anemometer. Compare to bridled-cu ...


Same as ceiling light.


A colloquial term in western Australia for a squall, associated with thunder, on the northwest coast in summer.


A thermograph in which ventilation is provided by a suction fan.


An ice coating with a consistency intermediate between glaze and rime.


The ratio of the amount of electromagnetic radiation reflected by a body to the amount incipient upon it, commonly expressed as a percentage. The albedo is to be distinguished from the reflectivity, which refers to one specific wavelength.


The standard deviation of a sufficiently large number of measurements of the same quantity by the same instrument or method. The non-correctable part of the inaccuracy of an instrument, it represents the limit of measurement precision. The uncertainty of ...


Interational thermometric scale on which the freezing point of water equals 0


A unit of energy equal to 101 ergs or to 0.2389 calories.


Any quantity, such as force velocity, or acceleration, which has both magnitude and direction at each point in space, as opposed to scalar which has magnitude only. Such a quantity may be represented geometrically by an arrow of length proportional to its ...


An instrument used for the measurement of the reflecting, power (the albedo) of a surface. A pyranometer adapted for the measurement of radiation reflected from the earth's surface is sometimes employed as an albedometer.


A type of precipitation composed of unbranched crystals in the form of needles, columns, or plates. Usually has a very slight downward motion and may fall from a cloudless sky.



Abbreviation for visual flight rules, but commonly used to refer to the relatively favorable weather and/or flight conditions to which these rules apply.


Instrument for measuring the intensity of radiant energy. Its principle is based on the variation of electrical resistance, with the incoming radiation, of one or both the metallic strips which the instrument comprises.


Readily taking up and retaining moisture.


A relatively small-scale, upward moving current of air.


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