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The record obtained from a bolometer.


A radar term for a single pulse of radio energy.


An optical instrument which consists of a sighting telescope mounted so that it is free to rotate around horizontal and vertical axes, with graduated scales so that the angles of rotation may be measured. Used to observe the motion of a pilot balloon.


In meteorology, a deflecting force acting on a body in motion and resulting from the earth's rotation. It deflects air currents to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere, thus having an effect on wind direction.


A thin metal disc partially evacuated of air used to measure atmospheric pressure by measuring its expansion and contraction.


A decrease in the central pressure of a pressure system. Usually applied to a low rather than to a high.


An evaluation, according to set procedures, of those weather elements which are most important for aircraft operations. Always includes cloud height or vertical visibility, sky cover, visibility, obstructions to vision, certain atmospheric phenomena, and ...


Name sometimes given to a transmissometer.


An instrument developed by K. Angstrom for measuring the effective terrestrial radiation. It consists of four manganin strips, of which two are blackened and two are polished. The blackened strips are allowed to radiate to the atmosphere while the polishe ...


Infrared radiation emitted by or being propagated through the atmosphere.


A small balloon used to determine the height of the cloud base. The height can be computed from the ascent velocity of the balloon and the time required for its disappearance into the cloud.


Reduction of visibility by strong winds blowing across dry ground with little or no vegetation. Visibilities of 1/8 mile or less over a widespread area are criteria for a Blowing Dust Advisory.


General term for an instrument used to make direct measurements of visual range or measurements of the physical characteristics of the atmosphere which determine the visible range.


One of the radiation laws which states that the wavelength of maximum radiation intensity for a black body is inversely proportional to the absolute temperature of the radiating black body.


A reflecting type telescope with a 45


Same as freezing point.


Same as wind sock.


Same as constant-level balloon.


A very sensitive electrostatic electrometer for measuring small potential differences.


A hygrometer which uses a transducing element whose electrical properties are a function of atmospheric water vapor content. The humidity strip and carbon-film hygrometer element are examples of such a transducer.


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