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A form of data transmission in which the bits of each character are sent one at a time along a single communication path. Compare to parallel data transmission.


An optical instrument which consists of a sighting telescope mounted so that it is free to rotate around horizontal and vertical axes, with graduated scales so that the angles of rotation may be measured. Used to observe the motion of a pilot balloon.


General term for an instrument used to make direct measurements of visual range or measurements of the physical characteristics of the atmosphere which determine the visible range.


A radar term for a single pulse of radio energy.


Reduction of visibility by strong winds blowing across dry ground with little or no vegetation. Visibilities of 1/8 mile or less over a widespread area are criteria for a Blowing Dust Advisory.


A type of precipitation composed of unbranched crystals in the form of needles, columns, or plates. Usually has a very slight downward motion and may fall from a cloudless sky.


The envelope of air surrounding the earth and bound to it more or less permanently by virtue of the earth's gravitational attraction. The system whose chemical Properties. dynamic motions, and physical processes constitute the subject matter of meteorolog ...


Infrared radiation emitted by or being propagated through the atmosphere.


Same as windsock.


An approximation to the complete equations describing atmospheric motion in which only the terms most important for the growth and decay of synoptic scale extratropical weather systems (i.e., the large areas of high and low pressure seen on weather maps) ...


A very sensitive electrostatic electrometer for measuring small potential differences.


An instrument used for the measurement of the reflecting, power (the albedo) of a surface. A pyranometer adapted for the measurement of radiation reflected from the earth's surface is sometimes employed as an albedometer.


A thin metal disc partially evacuated of air used to measure atmospheric pressure by measuring its expansion and contraction.


The ratio of the amount of electromagnetic radiation reflected by a body to the amount incipient upon it, commonly expressed as a percentage. The albedo is to be distinguished from the reflectivity, which refers to one specific wavelength.


Same as freezing point.


Same as constant-level balloon.


See evaporative opportunity.


A buoyant balloon kept from rising freely by means of a line secured to a point on the ground, as opposed to a free balloon. See kytoon.


The effect upon the measurement of rainfall caused by the presence of the rain gauge.


Difference between the instantaneous wind velocity at a point and the mean wind velocity taken over a given time interval. Also called fluctuation velocity.
