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See standard atmosphere.


A radiosonde whose carrier wave is modulated by audio-frequency signals whose frequency is controlled by the sensing elements of the instrument.


See radiosonde commutator.


A photometer that measures the received intensity of a distance tight source.


Same as radiation pattern. Anticyclone-An area of high atmospheric pressure which has a closed circulation that is anticyclonic (clockwise in northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in southern hemisphere).


A method of upper air observation consisting of an evaluation of the wind speed and direction, temperature, pressure, and humidity aloft by means of a balloon-borne radiosonde tracked by radar or a radio theodolite.


General name for an instrument which measures the earth's magnetic field intensity.


The lowest temperature that can be obtained on a wet-bulb thermometer in any given sample of air. Obtained by evaporation of water (or ice) from the muslin wick. Used in computing dew point and relative humidity.


In folklore, a name for wind.


The total area drained by a river and its tributaries. Same as river basin.


See feed.


(1) The initial component or the sensing element of a measuring system. For example, the receiver of a rain gauge is the funnel which captures the rain and the receiver of a thermoelectric thermometer is the measuring thermocouple. (2) An instrument used ...


Any device or instrument for measuring salinity, especially one based on electrical conductivity methods.


Electromagnetic radiation of shorter wavelength than visible radiation but longer than x-rays, between 0.02 and 0.4 micron (200 and 4000 angstrom).


Upwarddirected solar radiation, reflected by the earth's surface and the atmosphere.


The array of indicating marks and figure in relation to which the position of an index is observed, i.e. a scale plate on a recorder.


Difference between the temperatures of the dry-bulb and the wet-bulb thermometers of a psychrometer.


A thermometer which utilizes the thermal properties of gas. There are two forms of this instrument: (a) a type in which the gas is kept at constant volume, and pressure is the thermometric property, and (b) a type in which the gas is kept at constant pres ...


Any sudden and heavy rain, almost always of the shower type.


Electromagnetic radiation lying within the wavelength interval to which the human eye is sensitive, the spectral interval from approximately 0.4 to 0.7 microns (4000 to 7000 angstroms). Bounded on the short-wavelength end by ultraviolet radiation and on t ...


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