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A instrument designed to study small fluctuations of some quantity. The microbarograph is an example of a recording pressure variometer.


A device for measuring the frequency of occurrence of atmospherics whose intensity is greater than a predetermined level.


A hypothetical, ideal body which absorbs completely all incident radiation. independent of wavelength and direction. No actual substance behaves as a true black body, although platinum black and other soots rather closely approximate this ideal. However, ...


An increase in the central pressure of a pressure system; opposite of a deepening. More commonly applied to a low rather than a high.


In physics, any process in which the flux density (or power, amplitude, intensity, illuminance, etc.) of a "parallel beam" of energy decreases with increasing distance from the source. Attenuation is always due to the action of the transmitting medium its ...


A thermometer consisting of a clock mechanism the speed of which is a function of temperature.


A common type of terrestrial scintillation; shimmering over a hot surface (such as a roadway) on a quiet, cloudless. summer day.


A thermoelectric thermometer used for measuring air temperature. The name is derived from the fact that the reference thermocouple is placed in an insulated bottle.


Same as contact anemometer.


A graphical aid used in fire weather forecasting to calculate the degree of forest-fire danger (or burning index). Commonly in the form of a circular slide rule, the firedanger meter relates numerical indices of (a) the seasonal stage of foliage, (b) the ...


The record of an aneroid barograph.


Temperature to which absolutely dry air would have to be brought in order for it to have the same density as moist air, considered at the same pressure.


A graphical device used for the determination of the speed of the geostrophic wind from the isobar or contour-line spacing on a synoptic chart.



Abbreviation for Instrument Flight Rules, but commonly used to refer to the weather and/or flight conditions to which these rules apply, i.e. low visibility.


An instrument used to indicate wind direction.


An empirical curve relating stream discharge or stage at a point on a stream to discharge or stage at one or more upstream points and, possibly. to other parameters. Also called stage relation.


An aneroid barometer arranged so that the deflection of the aneroid capsule actuates a pen which graphs a record on a rotating drum. Sometimes called aneroidograph.


A system of physical units based on the use of the centimeter, gram. and the second as elementary quantities of length. mass. and time.


In general, pertaining to or affording an overall view. In meteorology, this term has become somewhat specialized in referring to the use of meteorological data obtained simultaneously over a wide area for the purpose of obtaining a comprehensive and near ...


A clock-driven instrument mounting which automatically and continuously points in the direction of the sun. It is used with a pyrheliometera,hen continuous direct solar radiation measurements are required.


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