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A record obtained from a meteorograph. A chart in which meteorological variables are plotted against time.


The record or trace made by a microbarograph.


An instrument for measuring snow hardness in terms of the resistance of snow to the pressure exerted by a disk attached to a spring-loaded rod, a gauge calibrated in pounds per square inch registers the amount of resistance. See Canadian hardness gauge.


The process by which water in plants is transferred as water vapor to the atmosphere. Also, the amount of water so transferred.


The change in barometric pressure within a specified period of time (typically 3 hours for meteorological observations).


An instrument for measuring the ultraviolet in solar and sky radiation.


A pyrheliometer of the bimetallic type used to measure the intensity of direct solar radiation.



Phase Shift Keying. A form of phase modulation of a data signal performed by a modem for transmission over dedicated wire or phone lines.


A cylinder installed in a body of water or an evaporation pan to hold a sensor, such as a float to measure water level or a hook gage. The stillwell is constructed so that there is free movement of water in and out of it, and it therefore provides a repre ...


A relatively small-scale, downward moving current of air.


The transducer of any hygrometer, i.e. that part of a hygrometer that quantitatively "senses" atmospheric water vapor.


Thermodynamic change of state of a system in which there is transfer of heat across the boundaries of the system. Compare to adiabatic process.


A spring which is designed to achieve a fixed spring constant over a wide temperature range. Usually, this involves an alloy with high nickel content such as Ni-Span C. It is common for these springs to be stress relieved at elevated temperature after for ...


A type of recording siphon barometer. The mechanically magnified motion of a float resting on the lower mercury surface is used to record atmospheric pressure on a rotating drum.


variable audio-modulated radiosonde developed at the Bureau of Standards and used by the United States weather services.


An instrument used to measure changes in the level of the water in an evaporation pan. The gauge is normally placed in a Stillwell and adjusted so that the point of the hook just breaks the water surface. The change in water level is read on the attached ...


meter-An instrument for measuring the transmissivity of the atmosphere; a type of transmissometer. It consists of a constant- intensity collimated light source located at a suitable distance from a photoelectric cell. Variation in the turbidity of the atm ...


Anemometer whicb measures wind speed by measuring the degree of cooling of a metal wire heated by an electric current. A type of cooling power anemometer.


A forecast of the expected stage or discharge at a specified time, or of the total volume of flow within a specified Interval of time, at one or more points along a stream.


A hydrometeor consisting of an aggregate of microscopic and more-or-less hygroscopic water droplets suspended in the atmosphere. It reduces visibility to a lesser extent than fog. The relative humidity of mist is often less than 95 percent.


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